Activity List

SectionActivityLicense TypeActivity - English
A11101Agricultural Investment LicenseGrain cultivation includes (wheat, barley, yellow and white corn etc.)
A11102Agricultural Investment LicenseCultivation of bean crops includes (beans, chickpeas, peas... etc.)
A11103Agricultural Investment LicenseCultivation of grain and oilseeds includes (Soya beans, nuts, Sesame seeds... etc.)
A11200Agricultural Investment LicenseRice cultivation
A11301Agricultural Investment LicenseCultivation of potatoes and sweet potatoes
A11302Agricultural Investment LicenseOnion cultivation
A11303Agricultural Investment LicenseTomato cultivation
A11304Agricultural Investment LicenseCarrot cultivation
A11305Agricultural Investment LicenseGarlic cultivation
A11306Agricultural Investment LicenseGrowing vegetable in green houses
A11307Agricultural Investment LicenseGrowing different kinds of vegetable in open fields
A11308Agricultural Investment LicenseAquaculture for production of vegetable
A11311Agricultural Investment LicenseGrowing of mushrooms
A11400Agricultural Investment LicenseCultivation of sugar cane
A11600Agricultural Investment LicenseCultivation of fiber crops includes (cotton, Jute, flax...etc.)
A11901Agricultural Investment LicenseFodder cultivation as Lucerne and other animal fodder
A11902Agricultural Investment LicenseAromatic plants and flowers (flowers and flower buds)
A11903Agricultural Investment LicenseAquaculture for production of flowers
A12100Agricultural Investment LicenseCultivation of grapes
A12201Agricultural Investment LicensePalm cultivation and dates production
A12202Agricultural Investment LicenseFig production
A12203Agricultural Investment LicenseMango cultivation
A12300Agricultural Investment LicenseCultivation of citrus fruit
A12400Agricultural Investment LicenseCultivation of apple seeds and stone fruits includes (apple, Apricot, cherry, peach, pearly, plum...etc.)
A12601Agricultural Investment LicenseOlive cultivation
A12700Agricultural Investment LicenseCultivation of beverage crops includes (coffee, tea, cocoa... etc.)
A12800Agricultural Investment LicenseCultivation of spices, aromatic crops and drug and pharmaceutical crops
A13001Agricultural Investment LicenseCultivation of decoration plants and seedlings
A13002Agricultural Investment LicenseCultivation of live plants for the purpose of planting and decoration (decoration plants)
A13003Agricultural Investment License Tissue culture and plant propagation including palm trees
A14101Agricultural Investment LicenseRaising of cattle
A14102Agricultural Investment LicenseCalves fattening
A14300Agricultural Investment LicenseBreeding of camels and similar animals
A14401Agricultural Investment LicenseRaising of sheep
A14402Agricultural Investment LicenseRaising of goat
A14611Agricultural Investment LicenseRaising and production of broiler chickens mothers and the operation of their hatcheries
A14612Agricultural Investment LicenseRaising and production of layer chickens mothers and the operation of their hatcheries
A14613Agricultural Investment LicenseRaising and production of layer chickens grandmothers and the operation of their hatcheries
A14614Agricultural Investment LicenseRaising and production of broiler chickens grandmothers and the operation of their hatcheries
A14615Agricultural Investment LicenseEgg production
A14616Agricultural Investment LicenseRaising pigeons
A14617Agricultural Investment Licensebroilers production
A14901Agricultural Investment LicenseBeekeeping and honey production
A14902Agricultural Investment LicenseOstrich breeding
A14903Agricultural Investment LicenseRabbit farming
A14904Agricultural Investment LicensePet keeping and breeding includes (cats, dogs, birds)
A14905Agricultural Investment LicenseQuail keeping
A15000Agricultural Investment LicenseMixed farming (mixed production of crops and animals without specialized production in crops and animals)
A16101Services Investment LicenseAgriculture services, includes (field preparation, crop treatment, harvesting and other agricultural services)
A16102Agricultural Investment LicenseRental of agricultural equipment used by worker
A16103Agricultural Investment LicenseIrrigation projects (operating irrigation systems for agricultural projects)
A16104Services Investment LicenseInstallation of greenhouses
A16105Agricultural Investment LicenseActivities of companies that certify organic products
A16106Agricultural Investment LicenseAerial spraying
A16200Services Investment LicenseAnimal production support activities
A16300Agricultural Investment LicensePost-harvest crop activities
A16311Agricultural Investment LicenseFood irradiation
A16400Agricultural Investment LicenseSeed treatment for propagation
A22003Services Investment LicenseCollecting and cutting of tree residues
A23001Agricultural Investment LicenseFrankincense collection
A23002Agricultural Investment LicenseMushroom and truffle collection
A24000Agricultural Investment LicenseForestry support services
A32101Agricultural Investment LicenseAquaculture of aquatic organisms in marine water
A32102Agricultural Investment LicenseOperating fish hatcheries at sea
A32103Agricultural Investment LicenseShrimp farming at sea
A32201Agricultural Investment LicenseAquaculture of aquatic organisms in inland water
A32202Agricultural Investment LicenseOperating freshwater fish hatcheries
A32203Agricultural Investment LicenseShrimp farming at freshwater
A32204Agricultural Investment LicenseFreshwater ornamental fish farming
B51001Mining Investment LicenseCoal mining
B51002Mining Investment LicenseCoal cleaning, crushing, scaling and compressing
B52001Mining Investment LicenseLignite cleaning, drying and crushing
B72100Mining Investment LicenseMining of uranium and thorium ores
B72901Mining Investment LicenseMining of non-ferrous metal ores, includes (aluminum, copper and lead)
B72902Mining Investment LicenseMining of precious metal ores belonging to the gold, silver and platinum set
B81001Mining Investment LicenseOperating quarries
B81002Mining Investment LicenseGypsum and anhydrite mining
B81003Mining Investment LicenseOperating sand or gravel mines, includes (crushers)
B89101Mining Investment LicenseExtraction of natural fertilizers, includes (natural phosphate and natural potassium salts)
B89102Mining Investment LicenseMining of metals that contain nitrogen and potassium
B89103Mining Investment LicenseMining of sulfur and ores that contain barium
B89200Mining Investment LicenseExtraction of peat (a kind of coal consisting of decomposed plants under the ground)
B89300Mining Investment LicenseSalt extraction
B89901Mining Investment LicenseMining and quarrying to obtain asphalt, bitumen and natural bitumen
B89902Mining Investment LicenseMining and quarrying to obtain precious stones, quartz and mica
B91001Services Investment LicenseDrilling of oil fields
B91002Services Investment LicenseDrilling of natural gas fields
B91003Services Investment LicenseServices related to oil extraction except surveying services
B91004Services Investment LicenseServices related to natural gas extraction except surveying services
B99011Services Investment LicenseTest drilling of mineral explorations and precious metals
C101011Services Investment LicenseOperating slaughterhouses (slaughtering and preparing lamb meat)
C101012Services Investment LicenseOperating slaughterhouses (slaughtering and preparing poultry, rabbits and birds)
C101021Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of poultry and rabbit meat and fresh birds
C101022Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of poultry and rabbit meat and chilled and frozen birds
C101030Industrial Investment LicenseSlaughtering and preparing hunting animals, includes (whales whose meat has been prepared onshore or aboard ships)
C101041Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of fresh meat
C101042Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of chilled and frozen meat
C101043Industrial Investment LicenseKeeping and preparing meat and its products in different ways as drying and canning
C101044Industrial Investment LicenseCutting, preparing, and packing meat and poultry
C101051Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of sausage and hamburger from meat
C101052Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of flour and semolina from meat
C101053Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of mortadella from meat
C101054Industrial Investment LicensePreparing and keeping animal heads and shins
C101060Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of edible animal fats
C101070Industrial Investment LicensePreparation of raw leather and wool
C102010Industrial Investment LicenseKeeping fish and fish products by caning
C102020Industrial Investment LicenseKeeping fish and fish products by drying, smoking or salting
C102030Industrial Investment LicenseKeeping fish and fish products by cooling or freezing
C102040Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of fish fillets and fresh and frozen pickled fish
C102050Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of Caviar and its substitutes
C102061Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fish products for human consumption
C102062Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fish products as fodder
C102070Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and processing of fish and sea livings aboard specialized ships
C102080Industrial Investment LicenseCutting and cleaning fish and water livings
C103011Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of fruit powders as orange, lemon and other fruit powders
C103012Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of fruit juices
C103013Industrial Investment LicenseFruit drying, packing and keeping in concentrated glucose fluids
C103014Industrial Investment License harvesting and packaging of fruits and vegetables
C103021Industrial Investment LicensePacking and keeping legumes (cooked or non-cooked) by caning
C103022Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of vegetable powders, includes (peas and beans powders...etc.)
C103023Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of potato-made food products, includes (potato chips)
C103024Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of flour and semolina made from potatoes
C103025Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of processed meals of vegetables
C103031Industrial Investment LicenseCooling and freezing fruits
C103032Industrial Investment LicenseCooling and freezing vegetables
C103041Industrial Investment LicenseDrying and packing dates and manufacture of their products
C103042Industrial Investment LicenseDrying and packing grapes and figs and manufacture of their products
C103050Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of tomato sauce
C103061Industrial Investment LicenseRoasting and packing nuts
C103062Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of nut butter
C103070Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of jam and gels
C103080Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pickles
C104011Industrial Investment LicenseProduction and refining of olive oil
C104012Industrial Investment LicenseProduction and refining of sesame oil
C104013Industrial Investment LicenseProduction and refining of sunflower oil
C104014Industrial Investment LicenseProduction and refining of margarine
C104015Industrial Investment License production and refining of Palm oil
C104016Industrial Investment Licenseproduction and refining of Soya bean oil
C104020Industrial Investment LicenseExtraction and refining of animal fats
C104030Industrial Investment LicenseExtraction and refining of oils from fish and sea livings
C105010Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of fresh liquid milk
C105021Industrial Investment LicenseCream production
C105022Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of butter or margarine, includes (animal margarine derived from all kinds of milk)
C105031Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of white cheese
C105032Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of cooked cheese
C105041Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of dried milk (powder)
C105042Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of condensed milk
C105050Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ice cream
C105061Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of condensed and dried whey
C105062Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of casein and milk sugar (lactose)
C105070Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of yogurt and dehydrated yogurt
C106111Industrial Investment LicenseWheat packing and milling
C106112Industrial Investment LicenseMaize packing and milling
C106113Industrial Investment LicenseBarley packing and milling
C106114Industrial Investment LicensePacking and milling of flour, meal and bulgur wheat
C106115Industrial Investment LicenseOats production
C106116Industrial Investment LicenseGrain mills
C106120Industrial Investment LicenseRice packing and milling
C106130Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of flour from rice
C106140Industrial Investment LicenseMilling and packing of dried leguminous vegetables and edible nuts
C106150Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of flour and dough for bakeries
C106160Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of breakfast grain foods in flakes, includes (cereals, chips... etc.)
C106161Industrial Investment LicensePopcorn manufacturing
C106211Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of starch from corn
C106212Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of starch from potatoes
C106220Industrial Investment LicenseCorn milling
C106230Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of glucose, glucose syrup, barley sugar (maltose) and gluten production
C106240Industrial Investment LicenseProduction and refining of corn oil
C107110Services Investment LicenseManufacture of domestic bread
C107120Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of bread and bread products by automatic bakeries
C107130Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of different kinds of pies
C107140Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of layer cake and all kinds of cakes
C107150Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all kinds of biscuits
C107160Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of bread and pastry flakes
C107170Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of frozen bakery products
C107181Industrial Investment LicenseMaking different kinds of Eastern and traditional desserts
C107182Industrial Investment LicensePreparing and processing sweets in the shops
C107211Industrial Investment LicenseExtraction of raw sugar from cane and beet sugar
C107212Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of cane and beet sugar syrup
C107213Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of black honey (molasses)
C107214Industrial Investment LicenseMaple sugar production
C107215Industrial Investment LicenseInvert sugar production
C107216Industrial Investment LicensePalm sugar production
C107220Industrial Investment LicenseSugar packing, includes (sugar molds)
C107300Industrial Investment Licensemaking cocoa, chocolate and sugary sweets
C107311Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of cocoa in form of paste, powder or pellet
C107312Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of cocoa butter, fat or oil
C107320Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of milk chocolate, white and dark chocolate and other kinds of chocolate
C107330Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sugar sweets, includes (candies, caramel, toffee, nougat)
C107340Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of gum
C107350Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of Halvah
C107360Industrial Investment LicenseKeeping fruits, nuts and other plants in sugar
C107411Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all kinds of pasta
C107412Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all kinds of noodles
C107420Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of couscous
C107430Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of packaged or frozen stuffed pastries
C107441Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of cooked stuffed pastries
C107442Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of non-cooked stuffed pastries
C107501Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of meat dishes
C107502Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of chicken dishes
C107503Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fish dishes, including fried fish
C107504Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of potato slices
C107505Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ready vegetable dishes
C107506Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of kinds of canned soup and meals prepared under vacuum (without touch)
C107508Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of frozen or preserved pizza in another way
C107911Industrial Investment LicenseCoffee roasting, milling and packing
C107912Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of coffee substitutes
C107913Industrial Investment LicenseBottling and filtering natural honey
C107920Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of baby foods
C107930Industrial Investment LicenseSalt refining and milling
C107941Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all kinds of soup
C107942Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of spices and broths
C107943Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of vinegar
C107944Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of yeast
C107945Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of mayonnaise
C107946Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ketchup and hot sauce
C107950Industrial Investment LicenseTea packing and tea substitutes, includes (mint, flowers, chamomile and wild herbs)
C107960Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of crushed sugar syrup (caramel)
C107971Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of food extracts and additives for foodstuffs and natural drinks
C107972Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of food extracts and additives for foodstuffs and industrial drinks
C107973Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of dietary supplements and diet foods
C107974Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of egg products and egg whites
C107975Industrial Investment LicenseLiquid halvah production
C107976Industrial Investment LicenseEstablishments for Preparation, Processing of eggs products
C108011Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of concentrated fodder for animal
C108012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of cattle fodder
C108013Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of secondary plant products as animal feed
C108014Industrial Investment LicensePreparation, milling and pressing of animal feed
C108015Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of salt lick stones for animal food
C108016Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of non-medicinal feed additives
C108021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of poultry fodder
C108022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of bird fodder
C108023Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of products of poultry slaughterhouses as animal feed
C108030Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pet feeds
C108040Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of milk substitutes for breastfeeding young animals
C110300Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of barley syrup, includes (non-alcoholic beer)
C110411Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of soft drinks
C110412Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fruit-flavored beverages
C110413Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of energy drinks
C110421Industrial Investment LicenseProduction and packaging of mineral water at site
C110422Industrial Investment LicenseProduction and packaging of pure filtered water
C110423Industrial Investment LicenseProduction and packaging of bottled water fortified with vitamins
C131111Industrial Investment LicenseCotton spinning and preparation
C131112Industrial Investment LicenseWool spinning and preparation
C131113Industrial Investment LicenseSilk spinning and preparation
C131120Industrial Investment LicenseSpinning and preparing plant fibers as hemp and kernels
C131130Industrial Investment LicenseSpinning and preparing industrial threads as nylon
C131141Industrial Investment LicenseThread preparation by ironing
C131142Industrial Investment LicenseThread preparation by dyeing
C131150Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of threads for sewing and knitting
C131201Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of cotton clothes
C131202Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wool clothes
C131203Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of silk clothes
C131204Industrial Investment LicenseWeaving textiles from industrial yarns as nylon
C131205Industrial Investment LicenseWeaving textiles from natural yarns, includes (linen and jute)
C131301Industrial Investment LicenseTextile processing by ironing
C131302Industrial Investment LicenseTextile processing by dyeing or printing
C139110Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and processing knitted and crocheted fabrics
C139120Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of artificial fur
C139211Industrial Investment LicenseDesigning bed covers, pillow bags, mattresses, bedspreads and pillows
C139212Services Investment LicenseTailoring camping supplies
C139220Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of blankets and travel rugs
C139230Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wipes, towels and dish towels
C139241Industrial Investment LicenseDesigning of tents and sails
C139242Industrial Investment LicenseDesigning of car and furniture covers
C139243Services Investment LicenseDesigning of machine and good covers
C139250Services Investment LicenseDesigning of curtains
C139260Services Investment LicenseHand embroidery and jacquard
C139270Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fabric bags, flags, banners, sunshades...etc.
C139310Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of rugs
C139320Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of carpets, includes (prayer and travel rugs)
C139330Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of moquette
C139340Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of mats from textile, cotton or industrial fibers
C139410Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of big ropes used in ships
C139420Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ordinary ropes made from textile fibers
C139430Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of nets, fishing nets and collision barriers in ships
C139910Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of strips from woven fabrics
C139921Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fabrics for abayas and men's cloaks from hair
C139922Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fabrics for abayas and men's cloaks from wool
C139923Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fabrics for abayas and men's cloaks from lint
C139930Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of kinds of tulles, dentelle and others from mesh fabrics
C139940Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of kinds of fibers (impregnated or covered)
C139950Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fillers from textile materials includes (period nappies, cotton blood stoppers)
C139960Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of material or textile strips and impregnated, covered or rubber-coated fabrics and the like
C139970Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of textile wicks, hoses and pipes coated, reinforced or fitted with other materials
C139980Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of trademarks, entourage decoration and similar types from textile materials
C141011Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ready-made men's clothes, includes (ready-made clothes, suits, coats and trousers)
C141012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of men's underwear
C141013Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ghutrahs and skullcaps
C141014Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of headbands
C141015Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of men's cloaks
C141016Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of Omani kuma
C141021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ready-made women's clothes, includes (dresses, coats and blouses)
C141022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of women's underwear
C141023Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of women's abayas
C141024Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of cloth accessories, includes (hats, gloves, belts, shawls, scarves, ties...etc.)
C141031Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ready-made outerwear for kids
C141032Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ready-made underwear for kids
C141040Services Investment LicenseSewing Arabian men's clothes (men's tailoring stores)
C141050Services Investment LicenseSewing non-Arabian men's clothes
C141060Services Investment LicenseSewing women's clothes (women's tailoring stores), includes (women's tailor store)
C141070Industrial Investment LicenseSewing sportswear
C141081Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of military uniforms
C141082Services Investment LicenseSewing industrial safety clothes
C141083Services Investment LicenseSewing uniform suits
C142010Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all kinds of fur leather and other unwrought leathers, includes (clothes and accessories)
C142020Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of clothes from natural fur
C143010Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all kinds of clothing from knitting and crochet
C143020Industrial Investment LicenseKnitting yarn underwear (shirts, underclothes)
C143030Industrial Investment LicenseKnitting yarn outerwear (pullovers, blouses, jackets)
C143040Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all kinds of socks
C143041Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of diabetic socks
C151110Industrial Investment LicenseLeather tanning (with chemical, plant or mineral materials) and processing
C151120Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of leather (patent or premetallized)
C151131Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of leather in form of strips or plates
C151132Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of leather in form of rugs
C151211Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of luggage bags and school bags from natural leather
C151212Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of luggage bags and school bags from artificial leather
C151221Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of women's handbags from natural leather
C151222Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of women's handbags from artificial leather
C151230Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wallets and bags made from natural leather or its substitutes
C151240Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of leather saddles and harnesses and accessories
C151250Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of conveyor belts, leather belts and watch straps made from natural leather or its substitutes
C152011Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of kinds of men's leather shoes
C152012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of kinds of women's leather shoes
C152013Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of kinds of children's leather shoes
C152021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of kinds of men's shoes from rubber, plastics or wood
C152022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of kinds of women's shoes from rubber, plastics or wood
C152023Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of kinds of children's shoes from rubber, plastics or wood
C152030Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sports, medical or professional shoes
C152040Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and designing of shoe parts
C152051Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of military shoes
C161011Industrial Investment LicenseSawing and cutting raw wood
C161012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wooden railway sleepers
C161013Industrial Investment LicenseWood slicing and cutting
C161014Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wood wool and wood flour in form of particles as a primary activity
C161015Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of firewood and Briquette
C161020Industrial Investment LicenseWood impregnation and processing chemically by preservatives
C161030Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of kinds of sawdust
C161040Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of non-assembled wooden floors
C162110Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sheets from thin wood veneer
C162120Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of reinforced wood (compressed)
C162131Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wood particle boards and fiberboards by compression pistons
C162132Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of microchips
C162211Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sleepers and roof pillars
C162212Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wood scaffoldings
C162220Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wood doors and windows
C162231Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of stairs and handrails
C162232Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wooden windows
C162233Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of parquet flooring
C162240Services Investment LicenseWood decorations
C162250Services Investment LicenseCarpentry works
C162260Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of curved wooden ornaments and wood molds and boards for covering roofs and interior walls
C162270Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of prefabricated wooden buildings
C162280Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of backed wooden walls and dividers
C162310Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wooden containers, includes (packing boxes and wooden freight containers)
C162320Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wooden barrels and basins
C162331Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wooden cable reels
C162332Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wooden platforms
C162911Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of handles and structure of wooden tools
C162912Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of handles and structures of wooden brooms and brushes
C162920Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of shoe parts and molds
C162931Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wooden household utensils
C162932Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wooden kitchen tools
C162933Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wooden household tool boxes
C162941Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wooden statues and small antiques
C162942Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wooden frames
C162943Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wooden jewelry boxes and antique boxes
C162951Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of cloth hangers
C162952Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wooden blackout curtains
C162960Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of plaits, utensils, wicker works and small goods from plaiting materials and bamboo
C162970Industrial Investment LicenseProcessing and manufacture of natural cork and cork products, includes (sheets, boards and tiles made from cork and coated cork... etc.).
C170111Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of paper pulp from wood
C170112Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of paper pulp from fiber
C170113Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of paper pulp from wastes with removing ink
C170119Industrial Investment LicenseIndustry of pulp, paper and cardboards
C170120Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of newsprints
C170131Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of writing papers
C170132Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of drawing and printing papers
C170133Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of clear and glossy papers
C170140Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of compact cardboards used in construction and other works
C170151Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of raw paper napkins
C170152Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of raw rolling and packaging papers
C170160Industrial Investment LicenseOther processing operations for papers and cardboards as dressing, calendaring and corrugating
C170210Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of papers and corrugated cardboards (pasteboard)
C170220Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of utensils from paper or corrugated cardboards for foods, drinks and other purposes
C170230Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of cardboard boxes, boxes, single or folded bags from paper or corrugated cardboards
C170240Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of paper bags
C170251Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of paper file boxes
C170252Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of paper roll covers
C170910Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of carbon paper and copy paper in different sizes
C170920Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of letter envelopes, greeting cards and non-photo postcards
C170930Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of school pamphlets and notebooks and office and school stationaries
C170941Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sanitary papers, napkins, cleaning napkins and towels
C170942Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sanitary towels
C170943Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of baby diapers
C170944Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of table napkins
C170950Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of paper products for household purposes, includes (dishes and cups)
C170960Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of filter molds, strips and chips from paper pulp
C170971Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of decorative papers
C170972Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of egg boxes and the like
C170973Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wallpapers
C170974Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of tailoring papers
C170980Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of printing and writing papers and ready-to-use computer
C181100Services Investment LicensePrinting
C181112Services Investment LicenseMagazine printing
C181121Services Investment LicensePrinting of books
C181122Services Investment LicensePrinting of school books
C181123Services Investment LicensePrinting of booklets
C181130Services Investment LicensePrinting of maps and atlases
C181141Services Investment LicensePrinting of ads, posters and brochures
C181142Services Investment LicensePrinting of calendars, business cards, wedding cards and smart cards
C181150Services Investment LicensePrinting of commercial stationery and invoices
C181160Services Investment LicensePrinting of postal or financial stamps, banknotes for the state, cheques and property documents
C181171Services Investment LicensePrinting by duplicating machines
C181180Services Investment LicenseEngraving and photo-engraving on metal or plastic sheets
C181210Services Investment LicenseBookbinding
C182020Services Investment LicenseReproduction of recordings and visual recording tapes (video)
C182040Services Investment LicenseReproduction of soft and solid discs
C182050Services Investment LicenseReproduction of ready computer programs (software)
C182060Services Investment LicenseReproduction of movies
C191010Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of coke coal and charcoal
C191020Industrial Investment LicenseCollection of coke coal in form of blocks
C191030Industrial Investment LicenseUnderdeveloped coke coal products, includes (tar and bitumen) etc.)
C192010Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of kinds of liquid fuel (oil refinery products)
C192020Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of kinds of gas fuel, includes (Ethane, Butane, Propane.. etc.)
C192030Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of lighting oils
C192040Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of lubricant oils for equipment and engines
C192051Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of Paraffin wax
C192052Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of asphalt
C201110Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of basic organic chemicals, includes Astelin except azotic fertilizers and compounds (nitrogen)
C201121Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of primary gases, includes (oxygen and hydrogen.. etc.)
C201122Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of liquefied and compressed air
C201123Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of refrigerant gases
C201124Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of mixed industrial gases
C201125Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of medical gases
C201130Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of inorganic acids
C201140Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of glycerol lyes, including caustic soda
C201150Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of dyeing, coloring and industrial and natural tanning materials
C201160Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of chemical materials
C201170Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of distilled water
C201180Industrial Investment LicenseNatural gas liquidation
C201210Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds
C201220Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of phosphate fertilizers
C201230Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of potassium fertilizers
C201240Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of urea and phosphate and natural potassium salts
C201251Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of nitric acid
C201252Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of ammonia
C201253Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of potassium nitrate
C201310Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of plastics in primary forms
C201320Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of synthetic rubber taken from oils in their primary forms
C201330Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of synthetic rubber and natural rubber mixtures
C201340Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of rubber-like dyes in primary forms
C201350Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of propylene
C201360Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of polyethylene
C202110Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of agricultural pesticides and fungicides
C202120Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of insecticides
C202130Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of antibacterial materials and plant growth regulators
C202140Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of antiseptics for agricultural use
C202151Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pesticides
C202152Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of disinfectants and sterilizers for medical products and devices
C202153Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of disinfectants and sterilizers for non-medical use
C202210Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of paints
C202220Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of varnishes (polishing materials)
C202230Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ready pigments and color opacifiers
C202240Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of enamel paints or ceramics
C202250Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of coloring materials used in making paints or used by artists and others
C202260Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of adhesives and similar non-thermal supplies used in stuffing and leveling surfaces
C202270Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of organic composite solvents and thinners, includes (manufacture of supplies for removing paints and varnishes)
C202280Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of printing inks
C202291Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of specialized military coating
C202311Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all kinds of soaps, includes (liquid and dry paste)
C202312Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of soap-covered paper and pulp
C202313Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of shampoos
C202321Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of industrial detergents
C202322Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of leather polishes and pastes
C202323Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of floor, glass and furniture polishes
C202324Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of jelly powders
C202325Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of washing and cleaning materials and products
C202330Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of products for room perfuming and deodorization
C202341Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of men and women perfumes
C202342Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of cologne and toilet water
C202343Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wood resinoids
C202344Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of incense
C202345Industrial Investment LicenseMixing and packing perfumes, oils and plants
C202351Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of shaving products
C202352Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all kinds of hair depilatories and straighteners
C202353Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of raw glycerol
C202361Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of cosmetics
C202362Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of hand and foot care products
C202371Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of mouth and teeth cleaning products
C202372Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of dental pastes or powders
C202381Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of industrial candles
C202382Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of candles made from candle mixtures
C202911Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of explosives and fireworks
C202912Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of matches
C202913Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of explosive and fireworks valves
C202914Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of military explosives
C202921Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of gelatin and its derivatives
C202922Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of animal-derived glues and glues made from rubber, plastics or resins
C202923Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of resins (which is the excretion of hydrocarbons from plants, whose value is high in the market due to its chemical components and uses), includes (polishes and glues)
C202931Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of basic oils
C202932Industrial Investment LicenseChemical modification of oils and fats
C202933Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of kinds of proteins
C202941Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of powders and pastes used in all kinds of welding
C202942Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of materials used in acid cleaning of metal surfaces
C202951Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of anti-impact products, coolants, anti-freeze products, fluids used in hydraulic fiber for transmission
C202952Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of In-Vitro medical device
C202960Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of photochemical products, includes (photographic slides, films and sensitive paper... etc.)
C202970Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of writing and drawing inks
C202980Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of aromatic extracts and their products, includes (distilled water and aromatic mixtures)
C203011Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of synthetic staple yarns
C203012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of industrial staple yarns, includes (nylon and polyester... etc.)
C203021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of single threads
C203022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of industrial synthetic nodes, includes (industrial straw)
C210010Industrial Investment LicensePharmaceutical industry for human use
C210020Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pharmaceutical products for veterinary use
C210030Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of grinded, manufactured or prepared plant products
C210041Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of surgical dressings and fracture bandages
C210042Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of surgical filling
C210043Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of surgical threads
C210044Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of medical cotton
C210051Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of chemicals used in making medicines
C210052Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pharmaceutical materials used in making vitamins
C210053Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pharmaceutical materials used in making other hormonal products
C210054Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pure chemical sugar
C210061Industrial Investment LicenseRadioisotopes production
C210071Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of blood sugar level measuring devices and strips
C221111Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all kinds of pneumatic tyres
C221112Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of steel tyres (airless)
C221113Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of hollow or semi-solid tyres
C221120Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of internal rubber tubes of tyres
C221130Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of interchangeable tyre parts and camel-shaped slices for renovating external surfaces of tyres, includes (tyre tapes or tyre wicks)
C221140Industrial Investment LicenseRe-manufacture of tyres
C221150Industrial Investment LicenseReplacement of external surfaces of used pneumatic tyres
C221910Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of plates, rods and sheets
C221920Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of tubes, pipes, hoses and conveyor belts
C221930Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of other rubber conveyor belts
C221940Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of health or pharmaceutical items from rubber
C222010Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of semi-finished plastic products, includes (tablets, slices, sheets, tapes, pipes, hoses and supplies... etc.)
C222020Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pipes, hoses, plastic tubes, links and supplies
C222031Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of construction materials, include (windows and doors)
C222032Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of curtain panels from plastics
C222033Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of insulations and sealants
C222034Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of lighting supplies
C222035Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of floor covers
C222036Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of roof and wall covers in form of rolls or tiles...etc.
C222037Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sanitary supplies from plastics, includes (washbasins, bathtubs, toilets...etc.)
C222041Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of boxes from plastics
C222042Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of containers from plastics
C222043Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all kinds of flasks from plastics
C222044Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of bags from plastics
C222051Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of household tools and kitchen and decoration one-use tools
C222052Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of household tools and kitchen and decoration tools from melamine
C222060Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of plastic products by Rotomold method
C222070Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of floor covers (linoleum flooring)
C222080Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sponge products
C231010Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of primary glass products
C231021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of glass insulation materials used in construction
C231022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of glass of electric lamps
C231023Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of glass of crystal chandeliers
C231024Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of glass works
C231031Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of kitchen and table tools
C231032Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of glass boxes and utensils
C231041Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of glass tools for labs and pharmaceutical uses
C231042Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of glass tools for office uses
C231043Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of glass tools for healthy uses
C231051Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of safety glass including car glass
C231052Services Investment LicenseCutting and rinsing of ordinary glass
C231053Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of glass mirrors
C231060Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of watch glass, optics and optical elements that are not operated on an optical basis
C231070Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of glass fibers used in manufacturing imitation jewelry
C231081Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of glass fibers, includes (glass wool.. etc.)
C231082Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of water reservoirs
C231083Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pipes
C231084Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of boats and yachts
C231085Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of parachute (Fiberglass)
C231086Industrial Investment LicenseMulti-Purpose Fiberglass Boxes & Enclosures manufacturing
C239110Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of thermal concrete
C239121Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of thermal insulating ceramic products
C239122Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wires, silencers, chimneys and pipes
C239123Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of bricks, blocks and thermal tiles, including thermal cement
C239210Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sand bricks, floor blocks, roof tiles and chimney burners
C239220Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wall and floor tiles (ceramics)
C239230Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of underground electric-wire pipes and tubes, gutters and ceramic pipe supplies
C239240Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pottery products, includes (manufacture of bricks)
C239250Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of stones and ceramic tiles used in paving
C239260Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of insulating fire red and clay bricks
C239270Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of mosaic cubes and the like whether shiny or not shiny
C239310Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of table and cooking tools from ceramics and other ceramic items used for household purposes
C239320Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ornamental items, antiques, statues, and figures made of ceramics and pottery
C239330Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric insulators and insulation fittings from ceramics
C239340Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ceramic and iron magnets
C239350Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of lab, chemical and industrial ceramic goods
C239360Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pottery products used in goods transportation and packaging, includes (potteries, pots, jars... etc.)
C239370Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ceramic furniture
C239411Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ordinary cement (Portland)
C239412Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of salt resistant cement
C239413Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of white cement
C239414Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of bulk cement (clinker)
C239415Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pozzolan cement
C239421Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of live lime
C239422Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of hydrated lime
C239423Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of water lime
C239430Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of plasters and gypsum
C239510Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of emptied and compact cement slabs
C239520Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all kinds of tiles and cement mosaic
C239531Industrial Investment LicenseReady-mixed concrete production
C239532Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of concrete additives and plasticizers
C239533Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of mortar from cement
C239534Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ready-mixed concrete and multi-use dry concrete
C239535Industrial Investment License(Manufacture of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC
C239536Industrial Investment License(Manufacture of Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF
C239537Industrial Investment License(Manufacture of Insulated Precast Systems (IPS
C239538Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of Prefabricated Concrete Modules
C239540Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of cutters, panels, frames and prefabricated buildings from ready-made concrete
C239551Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pipes and tubes from concrete or cement
C239552Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of reservoirs and docks from concrete or cement
C239553Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of household utensils from concrete or cement
C239554Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of window frames from concrete or cement
C239555Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of statues and types of decorations from concrete or cement
C239560Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of types of asbestos cement or fiber cement
C239571Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of construction materials made from plant bulk materials by cement
C239572Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of construction materials made from plant bulk materials by gypsum
C239573Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of construction materials made from plant bulk materials by a metal bonding material
C239580Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of types of cement, includes (engraved frames, statues, teapots and types of
C239610Services Investment LicenseCutting, forming and preparing stones for using in building, construction, roads... etc.
C239620Services Investment LicenseOperations carried out on coarse stones outside quarries, includes (sawing, polishing and grinding... etc.)
C239630Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of stone products, includes (furniture, statues, boards and types of decoration and the like)
C239640Services Investment LicenseMarble cutting and sawing
C239650Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of marble products, includes (kitchens, laundries, antiques, docks, statues, sculpture, painting and the like)
C239910Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of friction materials from metals
C239920Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sound and heat insulation materials
C239930Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of types of cement or similar materials, includes (coal-tar pitch)
C239940Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of millstones and whetstones
C239951Industrial Investment LicenseProcesses performed on sand inducing cleaning and grinding
C241011Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of primary iron products in form of granules and powders
C241012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of primary iron products in form of blocks of pillars and residues after re-smelting
C241021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pure iron by electrolysis
C241022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pure iron by chemical processes
C241023Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of non-polished iron
C241024Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sponge iron
C241025Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of cast iron including steel and cast iron castings
C241030Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of products from iron, steel...etc., by pulling, extrusion or metal-rolling
C241040Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of lacy sheets, rolls and coils and all types of rods, feathers, wires and angles
C241050Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pipes, tubes and hollow shapes from iron and steel
C241060Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of railway supplies, includes (rolled rails... etc.)
C242011Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of precious raw metals from gold
C242012Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of precious raw metals from silver
C242013Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of precious raw metals from precious metals listed under platinum group metals.
C242021Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of wrought gold.
C242022Industrial Investment Licenseproduction of wrought silver.
C242023Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of wrought Platinum.
C242024Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of wrought Platinum group
C242031Industrial Investment LicenseUntraditional metal works painted, covered or mixed with gold.
C242032Industrial Investment LicenseUntraditional metal works painted, covered or mixed with silver.
C242033Industrial Investment LicenseUntraditional metal works painted, covered or mixed with other precious metals.
C242041Industrial Investment LicenseSmelting, rolling, drawing, purifying, and casting copper and its alloys.
C242042Industrial Investment LicenseSmelting, rolling, drawing, purifying, and casting aluminum and its alloys.
C242043Industrial Investment LicenseSmelting, rolling, drawing, purifying, and casting lead, zinc, tin and their alloys.
C242044Industrial Investment LicenseSmelting, rolling, drawing, purifying, and casting chromium, manganese, nickel and their alloys.
C242051Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of alumina from nickel and copper
C242052Industrial Investment Licenseproduction of semi raw metals from nickel and copper
C242060Industrial Investment LicenseNon-ferrous traditional metal works, including (wires - pipes - tubes - powders - papers - plates ... etc.)
C243111Industrial Investment LicenseIron and steel casting (finished products)
C243112Industrial Investment LicenseIron and steel casting (semi-finished finished products)
C243120Industrial Investment Licensemanufacture of tubes, pipes, hollow forms, and pipes and tubes connections.
C243211Industrial Investment Licensenon-ferrous metals casting (finished products), including (aluminum and zinc .. etc.)
C243212Industrial Investment Licensenon-ferrous metals casting (semi-finished products), including (aluminum and zinc .. etc.)
C251111Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metal structures and their parts
C251112Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pylons and their parts, including (lampposts, light cabins, traffic lights .. etc.)
C251113Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pylons and their parts
C251114Industrial Investment License(Manufacture of Light Gauge Steel (LGS
C251115Industrial Investment License(Manufacture of Prefabricated Light Gauge Steel Modular (LGS
C251116Industrial Investment License(Manufacture of Tunnel Formwork (TF
C251121Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and installation of prefabricated steel structures of refineries
C251122Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and installation of prefabricated steel structures of industrial establishments
C251130Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of prefabricated buildings mainly made of metal
C251141Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and formation of steel rods
C251142Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and formation of steel grids
C251151Services Investment LicenseMetal workshops
C251152Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and installation of scaffolds
C251153Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and installation of garages doors
C251154Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and installation of windows and doors
C251155Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and installation of stairs
C251156Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and installation of alcoves
C251157Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of mobile military shelters
C251160Services Investment LicenseAluminum workshops
C251170Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of air-conditioning ducts and their appendices
C251210Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of tankers, reservoirs
C251220Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of central heating radiators boilers
C251230Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of containers for liquefied and compressed gases, including (gas canisters)
C251310Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of boilers for water steam generation or other types of steam
C251320Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of attached units used with boilers, including (Steam condenser units)
C252000Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of weapons and ammunition
C252011Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of conventional ammunition
C252012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of grenades
C252013Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of smart ammunition
C252014Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of heavy firearms
C252015Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of medium firearms
C252016Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of light firearms
C252021Industrial Investment LicenseParts manufacturing (non-combustible) of the conventional ammunition
C252022Industrial Investment LicenseParts manufacturing (non-combustible) of the smart ammunition
C252023Industrial Investment LicenseParts manufacturing (non-combustible) of the grenades
C252024Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of heavy firearms parts
C252025Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of medium firearms parts
C252026Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of light firearms parts
C259110Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of finished and semi-finished products through peening, compression, casting, and milling.
C259120Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of metallic forms directly from powder.
C259211Services Investment LicenseProcessing and painting metals by refinement and polishing
C259212Services Investment LicenseProcessing and painting metals by digging
C259213Industrial Investment LicenseProcessing and painting metals by coloring and cleaning
C259220Services Investment Licensemetal cutting and writing on it through laser beams
C259230Services Investment LicenseMetal turning
C259310Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metallic goods for domestic use, including (knives, scissors, spoons, forks, .. etc.)
C259320Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of different types of razors
C259331Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of hand tools used in agriculture
C259332Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of hand tools used in carpentry
C259333Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of hand tools used in mechanics and electricity
C259334Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of hand tools used in drilling and construction
C259340Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of saws, knives, blades of machines parts, and mechanical devices
C259350Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of replaceable head parts for hand tools, including (spiral drillers, separation cutters, sintered rods, turning machine cutters, gun spears)
C259360Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ironwork instruments, scythes, clamping bands, welding stoves
C259371Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of locks and key fabrication
C259372Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of clothes hangers and pegs
C259373Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metallic objects
C259381Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of swords
C259382Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of Janbiyas (daggers)
C259383Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of bayonets
C259910Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metallic fixing pegs, including (nails, pins, nuts, and different types of rings)
C259921Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metallic cables and girdles from iron
C259922Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metallic cables and girdles from copper
C259923Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metallic cables and girdles from Aluminum
C259930Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of objects made of wire, including (barbed wire, railing, extended metallic grill .. etc.)
C259940Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metallic containers used in transporting and packaging commodities, including (barrels, garbage containers, buckets, boxes, cans .. etc.)
C259951Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of hollow metallic containers and similar containers such as kitchen utensils, cutlery, and grilling and frying tools
C259952Industrial Investment Licensemanufacture of metallic sanitary tools painted with nickel such as sinks and washbasins
C259961Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of springs except for watch springs
C259962Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of steel safes
C259963Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of armored doors for security purposes
C259971Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metallic tools for desks
C259972Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of car plates
C259973Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sewerage covers
C259974Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of air-conditioning extension pipes
C259975Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metallic ceilings and their items
C259976Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metallic signs, non-electric guiding boards, banners
C259977Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of marks and military signs from metal
C259981Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of welding steel bars
C259982Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metallic patterns
C259983Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of chains and bedrails
C259984Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of bells and anchors
C259985Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fixing railways tools
C259986Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of military shooting targets
C259987Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of military equipment covers
C261001Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of compressors and electronic resistors
C261002Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of accurate processors, including (internal and external computer modem)
C261003Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of valves and electronic connections
C261004Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of complete circuits
C261005Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of power adapters for electronic uses
C261006Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of interface cards (sound, video, monitoring, webs, modem)
C261007Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of screens (plasma, LCD)
C261008Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of connectors, printers cables, screens, USB
C261011Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of solar panels and their parts
C261012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of Smart Cards
C261013Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of military electronics parts
C262011Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of personal computers
C262012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of laptops
C262013Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of main frame computers
C262014Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of personal digital assistant computers (PDA)
C262021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of computer storage media drivers
C262022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of printers
C262023Industrial Investment LicenseAll types of scanners
C262024Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of display screens
C262025Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of key boards and all types of mouses
C262030Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ATM machines including (manufacture of points of sale devices that does not work automatically)
C262040Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of multi-function desk machines (fax, scanner, photocopier)
C263011Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all types of centrals
C263012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wireless phones and mobile phones and theirs items
C263013Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of land line phones, faxes, and answering machines
C263014Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of digital communication devices, including towers and entrances
C263015Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of network modems and load-bearing equipment
C263021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of transmission and receiving antennas and cable TV devices
C263022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of devices of radio and television studios, and live broadcast devices including television cameras
C263023Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of television and radio transmission devices
C263024Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of remote control devices
C263025Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of robbery and fire alarms that send control signals
C263031Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of military communications devices and military command and control systems
C264011Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of video devices
C264012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of television screens
C264013Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all types of visual CD players
C264014Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of home-based video cameras
C264015Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of video games devices
C264016Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of TV devices
C264021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of radio devices
C264022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of audio recording devices
C264023Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sound systems
C264024Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of headphones for radio, recorder, and computer
C264025Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all types of audio CD players
C264026Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of microphones and amplifiers
C265111Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of measuring equipment and airplane black boxes
C265112Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of automotive emission testing equipment
C265113Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of radar and navigation devices and equipments
C265114Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of tools of measuring and testing electricity and electrical signals
C265121Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of measuring equipment used in air monitoring
C265122Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of temperature and humidity control devices
C265123Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of radiation detections and monitoring devices
C265131Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sensitive balances, and measures used in laboratories for other purposes
C265132Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of laboratory analytical instruments, including (blood work equipment)
C265133Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of spectrum analyzers
C265141Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of testing and inspection equipment
C265142Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of polygraphs
C265143Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of military measurement, examination, and test
C265144Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metal detectors
C265145Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of military guidance systems
C265146Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of military radars and sensors
C265147Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of military prevention and electronic jamming systems
C265191Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of surveying equipment
C265192Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of non-medical thermometers, including (thermometers used for industrial purposes)
C265193Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of GPS
C265194Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electricity, water, and gas meters
C265211Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and assembly of wristwatches, including wristwatches made of precious metals
C265212Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and assembly of clocks, including wall clocks
C265213Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pocket watches
C265214Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of different types of watch parts, including watch springs
C265220Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of time recording devices, and time measuring devices
C266011Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of radioactive equipment, pipes, devices, and their parts for researches, and medical and scientific purposes, including (X-rays, beta rays, and gamma rays)
C266012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of CT scan equipment
C266013Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of MRI equipment
C266014Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ultrasound Equipment
C266015Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of PET scan equipment
C266016Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of medical laser
C266017Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of food and milk radiation measuring equipment
C266021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pacemakers
C266022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electrocardiography equipment
C266023Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of hearing aids
C266024Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of medical electronic specula
C267001Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of medical mirrors
C267002Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of magnifiers
C267003Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of film cameras and digital cameras
C267004Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of animation devices, slide show devices, transparency show devices
C267005Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of lenses, microscopes, binoculars, and telescopes
C267006Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of measuring and examination optical devices, including (fire control equipment, illumination intensity measures, and space determiners)
C267007Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of military telescopes
C267008Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of military cameras
C268001Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of blank audio and visual videocassettes
C268002Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of blank audio and visual cassettes
C268003Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of blank diskettes
C268004Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of blank discs
C268005Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of hard discs
C271010Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of motors and generators
C271020Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electrical transformers
C271030Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electricity distribution and control devices
C271040Services Investment LicenseRe-rolling the magnetic core of generators, motors, and electric transformers
C271050Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of generators, motors, and electric transformers parts
C271061Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of explosives parts (non-combustible)
C272010Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of batteries and unchargeable protocells (which contains Manganese oxide, mercury, and silver).
C272020Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wet batteries
C272030Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of dry batteries
C272040Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric batteries and their parts
C273100Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fiber optic cables
C273201Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of insulated steel cables and wires
C273202Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of insulated copper cables and wires
C273203Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of insulated aluminum cables and wires
C273310Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metallic electricity tapes
C273320Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)
C273330Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of light-bulb carrier
C273340Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of lightning rods
C273350Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of different types of switches (for buildings and devices)
C273360Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electrical sockets and outlets
C273371Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric connections and metallic wire extension channels
C273372Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric connections and plastic wire extension channels
C273373Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric connections and wire extension channels from other materials
C274010Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of light bulbs
C274020Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of light connections
C274030Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of light equipment for special use
C274040Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of chandeliers
C274050Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of lanterns and spotlight equipment
C275011Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric refrigerators, and freezers
C275012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of water chillers
C275013Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of dish washers
C275014Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric washing machines, and clothes driers
C275015Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric fans
C275021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of vacuum cleaners
C275022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of air heaters
C275023Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric water heaters
C275024Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric floor polishers
C275031Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric blenders
C275032Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fruit juicers
C275033Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric can openers
C275041Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of shavers
C275042Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of tooth cleaners
C275043Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric driers, combs, brushes, and hair curling rollers
C275051Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ovens
C275052Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of microwaves
C275053Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of grills
C275054Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of toaster
C275055Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of tea and coffee machines .. etc.
C275060Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of non-electric household appliances for cooking and heating
C279001Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of other and similar laboratory and radioactive electrical appliances
C279002Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric parts, connections, and electric extensions not elsewhere classified
C279003Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric warning signals and boards, including ( traffic lights, and pedestrian signals)
C279004Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric steel and tin welding equipment including manual welding tin irons
C281110Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of internal combustion engines and their parts
C281120Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of steam turbines
C281130Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of water turbines and watermills, and the machines that regulate their functions
C281140Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of gaseous turbines used in ships engines or main movement tools for electric generators
C281150Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of boilers turbines devices, or steam stationary engines
C281200Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of equipment that work with fluids power
C281310Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of air compressors or other gases
C281320Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all different kinds of fluid bumps
C281330Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of air and gas compressors bumps, and vacuum bumps
C281340Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of faucets, water stopcocks, valves and other similar devices
C281350Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of bumps installed on internal combustion engines (water, oil, fuel bumps .. etc.)
C281410Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ball bearings, rolled bearings including balls, needles, rings, and metallic cylinders
C281420Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of mechanical power transmission equipment from any material (pillars, arms, chairs, gears) for gearing and cranking
C281430Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of power transferring chains
C281500Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ovens, blast furnaces, and blast furnaces stoves
C281611Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of simple and complex lifting and handling machines
C281612Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fixed lifting and handling machines
C281613Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of lifting and handling machines moving on metallic tracks
C281614Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of lifting and handling machines carried completely on wheeled structures
C281621Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of reels, lifting machines, and gear cranes
C281622Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of car lifts
C281631Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of drilling rigs
C281632Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of cable lifting derricks
C281633Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of mobile derrick structures
C281640Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of lifting and handling machines used in seaports, factories, warehouses etc.
C281650Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of lifting, handling, and loading machines including (elevators, liquids levers, carriers, and cable cars)
C281660Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of special parts for lifting and handling equipment, including (hooks and shovels .. etc.)
C281711Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all kinds of typewriters
C281712Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture, renewing, and loading of photocopiers and their ink cartridges
C281713Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of offset printers
C281720Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of manual and office calculators, cashier devices in stores (manual and automatic), money counters, and check typewriters
C281731Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of franking machines, and ticket machines
C281732Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of documents packaging and binding equipment
C281740Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of enveloping machines, and post office sorting machines .. etc.
C281810Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric hand tools, including (electric saw, and electric drill .. etc.)
C281820Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of air-pressure hand tools, including (nail fixer, rivets, and screws )
C281910Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of scales, digital scales for various purposes
C281921Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of freezing and refrigeration rooms and equipment
C281922Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of super market refrigerators and freezers
C281923Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of water and liquids chillers in establishments
C281931Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of air-conditioners (units or central) working with freon
C281932Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of different sizes of desert air-conditioners
C281941Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of liquids and gases purification and filtration machines and devices
C281942Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of refining and distillation machines and equipment
C281943Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of centrifuges
C281944Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of air and gas liquefiers
C281951Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of containers packaging, filling, and cleaning machines, including (bottles and boxes)
C281952Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of containers manufacturing machines
C281961Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of painting equipment
C281962Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of firefighting equipment.
C281963Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sand tossing and crushing machines
C281964Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of steam cleaning machines
C281965Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of non-electric steel and tin equipment,
C282111Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and assembly of tractors machines and equipment
C282112Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and assembly of plow machines and equipment
C282113Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and assembly of machines and equipment of auto loading and unloading trailers
C282114Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and assembly of agricultural handling machines and equipment
C282115Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and assembly of machines and equipment of pivotal irrigation devices
C282121Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machines used in agriculture, gardening, or forests for land preparation, or crops planting or fertilization
C282122Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of seeding machines
C282131Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of picking and harvesting machines, and tree trimmers
C282132Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of egg cleaning and sorting machines
C282133Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fruit and vegetables cleaning and sorting machines
C282140Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of cattle milking machines
C282150Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of agricultural sprinklers
C282160Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of other machines used in agriculture, farming, forests, cattle raising, and poultry and bee raising
C282211Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machine tools for wood forming
C282212Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machine tools for rock forming
C282213Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machine tools for minerals forming
C282214Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machine tools for cold glass forming
C282221Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machine tools for rotation
C282222Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machine tools for piercing
C282223Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machine tools for drilling
C282224Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machine tools for forming
C282225Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machine tools for refining
C282231Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machine tools for forming by stamping
C282232Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machine tools for forming by pressing, (including piercing pistons)
C282233Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of hydraulic machine tools
C282234Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machine tools of scissors, and separation tools and separators
C282235Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of simple machine tools, including (pistons, feet propellers)
C282236Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of advanced machine tools, including (digital machines)
C282240Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of stapling, nailing, and gluing machines
C282251Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of chain saws
C282252Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of scanning machines
C282253Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of automatic hammers
C282254Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of rivet machines
C282255Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metal sheets cutters
C282261Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pistons for particle board manufacturing
C282262Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pistons for building panels manufacturing
C282263Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of other machines for processing wood and cork
C282270Industrial Investment Licensemanufacture of machine tools parts, items and supplements
C282310Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machines and equipment hot metals handling, including (casting transformers and molds, scoops, pouring machines .. etc. used in metal foundries
C282320Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metal miners and its cylinders
C282410Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of lifting and handling equipment and machines used underground such as carriers
C282420Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of piercing machines, cutters, drilling machines, and tunnels opening
C282430Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metal processing machines by sorting, sifting, separation, washing, or crushing ... etc.
C282450Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of cement and mortar mixers
C282461Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of bulldozers
C282462Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of leveling roads bulldozers
C282463Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of paving machines
C282464Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of skimming machines
C282465Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of leveling machines
C282466Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of mechanical shovels
C282467Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of loading mechanical shovels
C282471Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pillar extraction machines
C282472Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of mortar spreading machines
C282473Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of bitumen spreading machines
C282474Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of concrete forming machines
C282481Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of tractors for railroad fixing
C282482Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of bars used in construction and mining
C282483Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of bulldozers blades
C282484Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of angle-dozer blades
C282485Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of trucks for carrying drilling debris that do not work on roads
C282510Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machines used in dairy industry.
C282521Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machines used in roasting, grinding, cleaning, and sorting grains
C282522Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machines used in roasting, grinding, cleaning, and sorting dried vegetables
C282523Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machines used in roasting, grinding, cleaning, and sorting nuts
C282524Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of flour producing machines, including (mills and others)
C282530Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of extraction and preparation machines for animal and plants oils, fruit juice, mashers and other similar machines
C282541Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of automatic bakery machines and equipment
C282542Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of equipment for non-electric bakery ovens
C282551Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pasteurization units
C282552Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of non-domestic microwaves
C282553Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of broasted preparation machines
C282571Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of different kinds of cooking ovens and machines that work with Mandy
C282572Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of frying machines
C282573Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of grilling machines
C282611Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of preparation machines, producing machines, refining machines, or cutting machines of fibers, materials, artificial yarns
C282612Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fiber preparation machines, including (cotton-ginning machines, balers opening machines, emery machines, cotton spreading machines, wool cleaning machines, wool carbonization machines, sweeping machines, shredding machines, final rolling patterns, etc.)
C282613Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of spinning machines
C282614Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of yarns preparation machines, including Machines of untying and rolling, and other relevant machines
C282615Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of weaving machines including manual looms
C282616Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sewing machines (knitting)
C282617Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machines of making knotted nets, tulle nets, lacework nets, and plaiters
C282621Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of variegated cloth machines
C282622Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of jakar machines
C282623Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of automatic stop movement machines
C282624Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of changing shuttle machines
C282625Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of Mardanes machines, and Mardanes weaving guides
C282630Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of textile printing machines
C282641Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of textile washing, shortening, dyeing, trimming, preparation, covering, and impregnation machines
C282642Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of textile rolling, loosing, folding, cutting, piercing machines
C282651Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ironing machines
C282652Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of commercial washing and drying machines
C282653Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of dry cleaning machines
C282660Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of different types of sewing machines and their parts
C282671Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of felt machines
C282672Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of non-textile materials machines
C282681Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of preparation, tanning, operating machines for leather and tanned leather
C282682Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of shoes machines
C282683Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of shoes repairing machines
C282684Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machines of different types of leather
C282685Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fur or tanned leather machines
C282910Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of paper-making industry machines, including (machines of making pulp, and manufacture of paper machines and cardboard
C282920Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of rubber and plastic producing machines, including (manufacture of machines for manufacturing and innovating patterns, and rubber molding machines
C282931Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of printing machines
C282932Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of printing letters molding and lining machines
C282940Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machines for producing tile, bricks, and ceramics
C282951Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric light bulbs assembling machines
C282952Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electronic light bulbs assembling machines
C282960Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of producing machines of glass, containers, fiber, or glass fiber
C282970Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of machines of book binding, and printing supplementary activities except for manufacturing textile printing machines
C282981Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of military simulators
C291011Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and assembly of small automobiles
C291012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and assembly of buses and carriers
C291013Industrial Investment LicenseFactories of armored civilian vehicles
C291020Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and assembly of motor cars structures
C291030Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and assembly of automobiles engines and their parts
C292011Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of vehicle bodies from wood
C292012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of vehicle bodies from metal
C292021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of trailers installed on motor structures
C292022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of caravan semi-trailers
C292023Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of trailers for railroad and roads
C292024Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of trailers for carrying furniture and cars
C292030Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of liquid tanks
C292040Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ordinary or chilling containers for carrying goods
C292050Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of parts of trailers and semi-trailers
C293010Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and renew of gearboxes
C293021Industrial Investment License Manufacture of radiators
C293022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of tailpipes
C293023Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of handles
C293024Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of brakes
C293030Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all different types of car filters
C293091Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of rolling bearings and bearings
C293092Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of steering columns and gearboxes
C293093Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of car seats
C293094Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of car spare parts
C301111Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of passenger ships
C301112Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ferries
C301113Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of goods ships
C301114Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of oil tankers
C301115Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ship trailer
C301120Industrial Investment LicenseMilitary ships building
C301131Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of floating offshore installations, including (floats, get-off platforms, floating tanks, flat bottom canoes)
C301132Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of non-navigational ships, including (drillers, floating platforms and walls)
C301141Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fishing boats
C301142Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ships that contain fish preparation factories
C301151Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of parts of military platforms used for military ships
C301152Industrial Investment LicenseMilitary ships plating
C301211Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of yachts and rowboats
C301212Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of rowed lifeboats
C301213Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pleasure crafts
C301220Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fishing boats and canoes
C301231Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sailboats
C301232Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of race canoes
C302010Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of train tractors
C302021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of railroad cars
C302022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of food and sleeping cars
C302023Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of goods cars
C302024Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of train supplying cars
C302025Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of tanker cars, and self-propelled carts
C302026Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of parts, items, and equipment for railroad tractors
C303011Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of passengers and goods civilian aircrafts
C303012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of military aircraft.
C303013Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sportive aircraft.
C303014Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of civilian helicopters
C303015Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of gliders.
C303016Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of air and engines balloons
C303017Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of aircrafts for other uses
C303020Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of supplementary parts and items for civilian aircrafts
C303031Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of parts of military platforms used for military aircrafts
C303032Industrial Investment LicenseMilitary aircrafts plating
C304001Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of military land and amphibious vehicles
C304002Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of parts of military platforms used for military land vehicles
C304003Industrial Investment LicenseArmoring of military vehicles
C309101Industrial Investment License Manufacture and assembly of motorbikes
C309102Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of motorbikes engines
C309103Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of motorbikes parts
C309104Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of side vehicles of motorbikes and their items
C309211Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and assembly of bicycles.
C309212Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture and assembly of kids bicycles.
C309213Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of delivery three-wheeled bicycles
C309220Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of bike parts
C309230Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of the handicapped bikes, the supplied with motors and the non-supplied with motors
C309240Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of kids carts
C309910Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of hand-held vehicles and carts
C309920Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of animal-drawn vehicles and carts
C310010Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of furniture from wood
C310021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metallic furniture for houses, offices, restaurants, and hotels
C310022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of furniture from aluminum for different uses and purposes
C310031Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of furniture from bamboo, reeds and straw for all different usages
C310032Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of furniture from plastics and elastics for all different usages
C310033Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of furniture from leather for all different usages
C310034Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of furniture from glass for all different usages
C310041Services Investment LicenseUpholstery
C310042Services Investment LicenseTailoring different types of mattresses
C310050Services Investment LicenseManufacture and tailoring of Arabian tillers
C310060Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of stores and restaurants installations, including installations of decorations
C310070Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of kitchens from Aluminum and wood .. etc.
C321111Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of wrought pearl
C321112Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of precious or semi-precious stones
C321113Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of precious metals and gem stones
C321114Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of jewelry and ornaments from silver
C321115Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of jewelry and ornaments from platinum and other precious metals
C321116Services Investment LicenseManufacture and installation of jewelry from precious stones or combined with precious metals
C321117Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of jewelry and ornaments parts
C321118Industrial Investment License Production of wrought diamond
C321120Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of other types of precious metals, including (silver wear, decorations ... etc.)
C321131Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of coins from gold, silver and other metals
C321132Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of medals
C321133Industrial Investment License Manufacturing of prayer beads
C321140Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of technical items or laboratory items from precious metals
C321191Services Investment LicensePainting items with precious metals
C321192Services Investment LicenseWorkshops of welding and polishing jewelry
C321201Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of costume jewelry and accessories
C321202Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of clothes ornaments
C321203Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fake precious stones
C321204Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fake diamond
C321205Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of non-precious watch bracelets and other similar items
C322011Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of string instruments
C322012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of accordions
C322013Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of organ instruments
C322014Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electric musical instruments
C322021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wind instruments
C322022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of drums and tambourines
C322023Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of horns and other sound signals
C322030Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of parts and items for musical and string instruments
C323011Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of athletics equipment
C323012Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of gymnastics equipment
C323013Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of swimming equipment
C323014Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of boards, equipment, shoes for water surfing and skiing
C323015Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sportive tools, including (all types of balls)
C323016Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of rackets for ping pong, tennis, golf, and other similar rackets
C323021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sport fishing items including fishing nets
C323022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of fishing equipment
C323023Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of mountain climbing items
C323030Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of gloves, and sportive head covers
C324010Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of dolls and dolls clothes, and sound and musical toys and their items
C324020Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of wheeled toys designed for riding and made of plastics
C324031Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of tennis tables
C324032Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of billiard tables
C324040Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of electronic games
C324051Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of small entertainment items, including (small trains, and building blocks)
C324052Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all types of puzzle games
C324091Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of playing cards
C324092Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of board games, including chess
C324093Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of other collective board games
C325010Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of Single Use Medical Devices
C325021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of rebuilding bones fillings
C325022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metal fixing bones chips, including (sticks, plates, and spiraling nails)
C325023Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of orthopedic devices
C325024Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of prosthetics
C325025Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of devices for fractures treatment
C325026Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of medical crutches
C325031Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of tooth fillings
C325032Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of dental clinics ovens
C325033Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of dentistry equipment
C325034Services Investment LicenseDental labs and artificial teeth
C325041Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ultrasound laboratory cleaning devices
C325042Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sterilization devices and equipment
C325043Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of distillation and filtration laboratory devices and equipment
C325044Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of laboratory rotary separators
C325051Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of medical examination tables and surgery furniture
C325052Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of medical beds supplied with mechanical additions for movement
C325053Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of dental chairs
C325061Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of medical needles and syringes
C325062Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of medical thermometers
C325063Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of pipes for catheter operations, nutrition, and suction
C325064Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of hemodialysis equipment and related accessories
C325065Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of Respirators and Anesthesia machine
C325071Industrial Investment LicenseOphthalmologic equipment and devices, including (specula and mirrors)
C325072Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of substitute glass eyes
C325073Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of medical glasses
C325074Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of sun glasses
C325075Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of contact lenses
C325081Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ear buds for hypoacusis treatment
C325082Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of orthopedic shoes and their parts to correct walking
C329010Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of all different types of pens
C329021Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of writing machine tapes
C329022Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of different types of seals
C329023Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of artists tools and items, and painting and drawing tools
C329030Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of globe models
C329041Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of umbrellas for personal usage
C329042Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of walking sticks, and bamboo sticks
C329043Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of lighters and similar items
C329044Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of brooms, hand sweepers, and brushes including painting brushes
C329045Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of floor tarpaulins
C329046Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of buttons and similar items used for holding clothes together
C329051Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of different types of thermos
C329052Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of perfume bottles and canisters, and air fresheners
C329054Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of different wigs
C329061Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of fire-retardant clothing, and firefighters garments
C329062Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of safety belts for workers, and other types of belts for professional purposes
C329063Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of drowning rescue tools from cork
C329064Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of highly resistant protective plastic helmets (for work sites or sportive helmets)
C329065Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of metallic helmets and personal-safety metallic equipment,
C329066Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of ear buds for protection of noise and water
C329067Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of masks for protection from gases
C329068Industrial Investment LicenseManufacturing of military personnel protections tools
C329071Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of different types of wax
C329072Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of artificial flowers, fruits, and branches
C329073Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of different sizes of hand sieves
C329074Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of junk and clothes ornaments
C329075Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of stereoscopic advertisement and show materials, including (dolls)
C329076Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of coffins
C329081Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture safety plastic equipment
C329082Industrial Investment LicenseInteractive exhibits education industry
C331101Services Investment LicenseRepair of metal tanks, reservoirs and containers
C331102Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance for pipes and pipelines
C331103Services Investment LicenseMobile welding repair
C331104Services Investment LicenseRepair of steel shipping drums
C331106Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of parts for marine or power boilers
C331107Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of central heating boilers and radiators
C331108Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of individual firearms, hunting weapons, airguns and ammunition
C331111Services Investment LicenseMRO works of military shelters
C331112Services Investment LicenseMRO works of military shooting targets
C331121Services Investment LicenseRepairs and maintenance of conventional ammunition
C331122Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of hand grenades
C331123Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of smart ammunition
C331124Services Investment LicenseMaintenance, repair and overhaul of heavy firearms parts
C331125Services Investment LicenseMaintenance, repair and overhaul of medium firearms parts
C331126Services Investment LicenseMaintenance, repair and overhaul of light firearms parts
C331211Services Investment LicenseRepair of typewriters
C331212Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of photocopy machines
C331213Services Investment LicenseRepair of calculators, electronic or not
C331221Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of agricultural tractors
C331222Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of agricultural machinery and forestry and logging machinery
C331231Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of metallurgy machinery
C331232Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of metal cutting and metal forming machine tools and accessories
C331233Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of power-driven hand-tools
C331234Services Investment LicenseRepair of metal handling equipment
C331241Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of mining, construction, and oil and gas field machinery
C331242Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of food and beverage processing equipment
C331243Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of textile apparel, and leather production machinery
C331244Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of paper making machinery
C331245Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of industrial process furnaces
C331251Services Investment Licenserepair and maintenance of multi-functional energy consuming machines
C331252Services Investment LicenseRepair, maintenance and installation of fuel pumps
C331253Services Investment License Maintenance and filling of fire extinguishers
C331254Services Investment License Maintenance of elevators
C331255Services Investment License Installation and maintenance of key-cutting machines
C331256Services Investment License Repair and Maintenance of water purifiers
C331257Services Investment LicenseMaintenance of ground services' equipment
C331258Services Investment LicenseMaintenance, repair and overhaul of military simulators
C331291Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of non-automotive engines, including (ship or rail engines)
C331292Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of pumps and fluid power equipment
C331293Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of valves
C331294Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of gearing and driving elements
C331295Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of refrigeration equipment and air purifying equipment including (all types of refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners)
C331296Services Investment LicenseInstallation and maintenance of banking and monetary devices and equipment
C331297Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of weighing equipment
C331298Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of vending machines
C331311Services Investment License Maintenance of fire and rescue equipment
C331312Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of measuring, testing, monitoring and control equipment
C331313Services Investment LicenseMaintenance of pollution control devices and technologies
C331314Services Investment License Maintenance and operation of pollution control equipment
C331315Services Investment LicenseMaintenance and operation of continuous and non-continuous environmental monitoring systems
C331316Services Investment LicenseMaintenance of environmental laboratory equipment and tools
C331317Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of Unmanned aerial vehicle ( Drones)
C331318Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of navigational equipment
C331321Services Investment LicenseMaintenance of medical equipment and supplies
C331322Services Investment License Repair and maintenance of optical instruments and equipment
C331331Services Investment LicenseMaintenance and repair of military telescopes
C331332Services Investment LicenseMaintenance of military guidance and electronic warfare systems
C331333Services Investment LicenseMRO works of military measurement, examination, and test equipment
C331334Services Investment LicenseMaintenance, repair and overhaul of military command control and military intelligence system
C331400Services Investment LicenseRepair of electrical equipment
C331411Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of power, distribution, and specialty transformers
C331412Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of electric motors, generators, and steam generator equipment
C331413Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of electricity distribution and control devices
C331414Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of relays and industrial controls
C331415Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of primary and storage batteries
C331416Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of electric lighting equipment
C331417Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of current carrying wiring devices for wiring electrical circuits
C331418Services Investment License
Maintenance, repair and overhaul of military explosives parts (non-combustible)
C331501Services Investment LicenseRepair and routine maintenance of ships
C331502Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of pleasure boats
C331503Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of locomotives and railroad cars
C331504Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of aircraft
C331506Services Investment LicenseRepair of animal drawn buggies and wagons
C331511Services Investment LicenseMRO works of military vehicles
C331512Services Investment LicenseMaintenance, repair and overhaul of military ships
C331513Services Investment LicenseMRO works of military aircrafts
C331514Services Investment LicenseMaintenance, repair and overhaul of parts of military platforms
C331911Services Investment LicenseRepair of fishing nets
C331912Services Investment LicenseRepair of sails and ropes
C331913Services Investment LicenseRepair of fertilizer and chemical storage bags
C331914Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of freight pallets and containers
C331915Services Investment LicenseRepair of coin-operated games machines
C331921Services Investment LicenseRepair and Maintenance of security equipment and installations
C331922Services Investment LicenseRepairs and maintenance of military personnel protection tools
C331923Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of fiberglass products
C332011Services Investment LicenseInstallation of industrial machinery in industrial plant
C332012Services Investment LicenseInstallation of industrial process control equipment
C332013Services Investment LicenseDismantling large-scale machinery and equipment
C332021Services Investment LicenseInstallation of communications equipment
C332022Services Investment LicenseInstallation of mainframe and similar computers
C332023Services Investment LicenseInstallation of irradiation and electro-medical equipment
C332031Services Investment LicenseInstallation of bowling alley equipment
C332032Services Investment LicenseMachine rigging
C332033Services Investment LicenseActivities of millwrights
C332034Services Investment LicenseInstallation of pollution control equipment
C332035Services Investment LicenseInstallation of continuous and non-continuous envirmnmental monitoring systems
C332036Services Investment LicenseInstallation of environmental laboratory equipment and tools
D351011Industrial Investment LicenseElectric power generation
D351012Industrial Investment LicenseElectric power transmission
D351013Services Investment LicenseDistribution and retail sale of electric power
D351014Services Investment LicenseDistribution and wholesale of electric power
D351015Services Investment LicenseNuclear facilities
D351016Services Investment LicenseImporting and exporting electricity
D351017Services Investment LicenseTendering electricity generation projects, and procuring electricity for the purpose of selling it in bulk
D351018Services Investment LicenseProcuring and selling electrical system services
D352001Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of kinds of gas fuel
D352002Industrial Investment LicenseDistribution of gaseous fuels of various types through mains
D352003Industrial Investment LicenseManufacture of gas
D353002Industrial Investment LicenseProduction and distribution of cooled air
D353003Industrial Investment LicenseProduction and distribution of chilled water for cooling purposes
D353004Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of ice used for cooling
D353005Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of ice for human use
E360011Services Investment LicenseWater collection
E360012Services Investment LicenseWater Purification
E360013Services Investment LicenseWater desalination
E360014Services Investment Licensewater distribution and transfer
E360015Services Investment LicenseReducing water salinity
E370001Services Investment LicenseEmptying and cleaning of cesspools and septic tanks, sinks and pits from sewage
E370002Services Investment Licenseoperation of sewer systems or sewer treatment facilities
E381101Services Investment License Municipal waste collection services
E381103Services Investment LicenseCollection of recyclable materials
E381104Services Investment LicenseTransfer of non-hazardous industrial waste
E381105Services Investment LicenseTransfer of municipal waste
E381106Services Investment LicenseUsed cooking oil collection
E381201Services Investment LicenseCollection and transfer of hazardous wastes of used oils from producers of such wastes
E381202Services Investment LicenseTransfer of hazardous medical waste
E381203Services Investment LicenseCollection and transfer of waste resulting from the control and cleaning work of the marine and coastal environment
E381204Services Investment LicenseTransfer of hazardous wastes
E381205Services Investment LicenseTransfert of asbestos wastes
E381206Services Investment LicenseTransfer of oil from one watercraft to another within the sea or from offshore oil collection sites in cases of contamination
E382101Services Investment LicenseOperation of municipal waste landfills for waste management
E382102Services Investment LicenseDisposal of non-hazardous waste by combustion or incineration or other methods, with or without the resulting production of electricity or steam, substitute fuels, biogas, ashes or other by-products for further use etc.
E382103Services Investment LicenseTreatment of organic waste for disposal
E382104Industrial Investment LicenseProduction of compost from organic waste
E382105Services Investment License Storage of non-hazardous industrial waste
E382106Services Investment LicenseFinal disposal of non - hazardous industrial waste
E382201Services Investment LicenseOperation of facilities for treatment of hazardous waste
E382202Services Investment LicenseOperation of hazardous medical waste treatment facilities
E382203Services Investment LicenseFinal disposal of hazardous waste
E382204Services Investment LicenseStorage of hazardous industrial waste
E382205Services Investment LicenseStorage of hazardous medical waste
E382206Services Investment LicenseStorage of used oils
E382207Services Investment LicenseFinal disposal of used oils
E382208Services Investment LicenseOperation of used oils treatment facilities
E383001Services Investment LicenseProcessing of metal and non-metal waste and scrap and other articles into secondary raw materials
E383002Services Investment LicenseSeparating and sorting metal and non-metal waste and scrap and other articles into secondary raw materials
E383005Services Investment LicenseRecycling and reuse of municipal waste
E383006Services Investment LicenseRecycling and reuse of hazardous wastes
E383007Services Investment LicenseRecycling and reuse of non-hazardous industrial waste
E383008Services Investment LicenseRecycling and reuse of oil and petroleum waste
E390001Services Investment LicenseDecontamination and rehabilitation of soils in pollution sites
E390002Services Investment LicenseCleaning, decontamination and rehabilitation of beaches from pollutants
E390003Services Investment LicenseRemoval of contaminants from groundwater
E390004Services Investment LicenseCombating pollution from oil, chemicals and harmful substances
E390005Services Investment LicenseDecomposition and storage of asbestos
E390006Services Investment LicenseClearing of landmines and the like (including detonation)
E390007Services Investment LicenseDisposal of asbestos
F410010Services Investment LicenseConstruction of all types of residential buildings
F410021Services Investment LicenseConstruction of all types of non-residential buildings including schools, hospitals, hotels … etc.
F410022Services Investment Licenseconstruction of airports and airports facilities
F410023Services Investment LicenseGeneral constructions of government buildings
F410030Services Investment LicenseErection of prefabricated constructions on the site
F410040Services Investment Licenseremodeling or renovating existing residential and non-residential structures
F421010Services Investment LicenseConstruction of motorways, streets, roads, other vehicular and pedestrian ways
F421020Services Investment LicenseConstruction of bridges or tunnels
F421030Services Investment LicenseConstruction of railways and subways
F421040Services Investment LicenseConstruction of airstrips
F421051Services Investment License Repair and maintenance of motorways, streets, roads, other vehicular and pedestrian ways
F421052Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of bridges or tunnels
F422010Services Investment LicenseLong-distance pipelines, communication and power lines
F422020Services Investment LicenseLong-distance oil and gas pipelines
F422031Services Investment LicenseWater lines extension between cities and inside them as well as establishment and maintenance of new networks
F422032Services Investment LicenseConstruction of main lines and stations of water distribution
F422033Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of water distribution stations, networks and main lines
F422041Services Investment LicenseConstruction of irrigation systems (canals), water main storage towers
F422042Services Investment License Drilling of tubular water wells
F422043Services Investment License Drilling of manual water wells
F422044Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of irrigation systems (canals), water main storage towers
F422045Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of sewer systems, sewage disposal plants and pumping station
F422046Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of power plants
F422047Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of wired and wireless communication stations and radars
F422050Services Investment LicenseConstruction of sewer systems, sewage disposal plants and pumping stations
F422060Services Investment LicenseConstruction of power plants
F422070Services Investment LicenseConstruction of wired and wireless communication stations and radars
F429010Services Investment LicenseConstruction of refineries and petrochemical plants
F429020Services Investment LicensePort piers building and marine construction
F429030Services Investment LicenseConstruction of pleasure ports (marinas)
F429040Services Investment LicenseConstruction of dams
F429050Services Investment LicenseDredging of waterways
F429060Services Investment LicenseConstruction of dykes
F429071Services Investment LicensePublic sports structures including play grounds
F429072Services Investment LicenseConstruction of military fields
F429073Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of dams
F429074Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of port piers and marine facilities
F431101Services Investment LicenseDemolition or wrecking of buildings and other structures
F431210Services Investment LicenseDrilling and earth moving for site preparation purposes
F431220Services Investment LicenseLandfill
F431230Services Investment LicenseBuilding site drainage
F431240Services Investment LicenseRock cutting by using explosive materials
F432111Services Investment LicenseElectrical wiring
F432112Services Investment LicenseTelecommunications wiring
F432113Services Investment LicenseNetwork wiring
F432121Services Investment LicenseInstallation of satellite dishes
F432122Services Investment LicenseInstallation of computer network and cable television wiring
F432131Services Investment LicenseInstallation of lighting systems
F432132Services Investment License Installation and maintenance of fire alarms devices and equipment
F432134Services Investment LicenseInstallation and maintenance of safety devices
F432135Services Investment LicenseInstallation and maintenance of traffic safety devices
F432210Services Investment LicenseInstallation, maintenance and repair of heating systems (electric, gas and oil)
F432220Services Investment LicenseInstallation, maintenance and repair of solar energy collectors
F432230Services Investment LicenseInstallation, maintenance and repair of plumbing and sanitary equipment
F432240Services Investment LicenseInstallation, maintenance and repair of refrigeration or air-conditioning equipment
F432251Services Investment LicenseInstallation, maintenance and repair of gas fittings
F432252Services Investment LicenseInstallation, maintenance and repair of steam piping
F432253Services Investment LicenseInstallation, maintenance and repair of fire sprinkler systems
F432254Services Investment LicenseInstallation, maintenance and repair of lawn sprinkler systems
F432260Services Investment LicenseInstallation, maintenance and repair of air-conditioning ducts
F432911Services Investment LicenseInstallation and maintenance of elevators
F432912Services Investment LicenseInstallation, repair and maintenance of escalators, conveyor and ground belts
F432920Services Investment LicenseInstallation, repair and maintenance of automated and revolving doors
F432930Services Investment LicenseInstallation, repair and maintenance of lightning conductors
F432940Services Investment LicenseInstallation, repair and maintenance of vacuum cleaning systems
F432950Services Investment LicenseInstallation, repair and maintenance of thermal, sound or vibration insulation
F432961Services Investment License Installation and repair of civil protection devices such as heavy equipment used to control earth quicks and buildings collapse and ways of individual protection
F432962Services Investment LicenseInstallation and maintenance of early warning sirens and control centres
F432963Services Investment LicenseInstallation and maintenance of fire equipment
F432972Services Investment LicenseInstalling and Maintaining Storage and shelves Solutions
F433010Services Investment License Building finishing
F433021Services Investment LicenseInstallation of doors (except automated and revolving), windows, door and window frames, fitted kitchens, staircases of wood
F433022Services Investment LicenseInstallation of doors (except automated and revolving), windows, door and window frames, fitted kitchens, staircases of aluminum
F433023Services Investment LicenseInstallation of doors (except automated and revolving), windows, door and window frames, fitted kitchens, staircases of steel
F433024Services Investment LicenseInstallation of umbrellas and a fences
F433030Services Investment LicenseInterior completion such as ceilings, wooden wall coverings, movable partitions, etc.
F433041Services Investment LicenseInstallation of ceramic
F433042Services Investment LicenseInstallation of marble
F433043Services Investment LicenseInstallation of cut stone tiles
F433044Services Investment LicenseInstallation of granite
F433045Services Investment LicenseClean and polish tiles and marble
F433051Services Investment LicenseParquet and other wooden floor coverings
F433052Services Investment LicenseCarpets and linoleum floor coverings, including of rubber or plastic
F433061Services Investment LicenseInstallation of décor
F433062Services Investment LicenseInstallation of wallpaper
F433071Services Investment LicenseWorks of plaster or stucco
F433072Services Investment LicenseInterior and exterior painting of buildings
F433073Services Investment LicensePainting of civil engineering structures
F433081Services Investment LicenseInstallation of glass, mirrors of buildings
F433082Services Investment LicenseExterior glass installation of towers
F433091Services Investment LicenseCleaning of new buildings after construction
F433092Services Investment LicenseInterior installation of shops, mobile homes, boats etc.
F433093Services Investment LicenseInstallation of furniture
F439011Services Investment LicenseBricklaying
F439012Services Investment LicenseStone setting
F439020Services Investment LicenseScaffolds erecting
F439030Services Investment LicenseConstruction of outdoor swimming pools
F439040Services Investment LicenseSteam cleaning, sand blasting and similar activities for building exteriors
F439050Services Investment LicenseRenting of cranes with operator
F439061Services Investment LicenseInstallation and maintenance of pre-stressed concrete units
G451011Trading Investment LicenseWholesale and retail sale of new specialized passenger motor vehicles including (ambulances, minibuses and jeeps)
G451012Trading Investment LicenseWholesale and retail sale of used specialized passenger motor vehicles including (ambulances, minibuses and jeeps)
G451013Trading Investment LicenseWholesale and retail sale of new lorries including (trailers and semi-trailers)
G451014Trading Investment LicenseWholesale and retail sale of used lorries including (trailers and semi-trailers)
G451015Trading Investment LicenseWholesale and retail sale of new camping vehicles such as (caravans)
G451016Trading Investment LicenseWholesale and retail sale of used camping vehicles such as (caravans)
G451030Trading Investment LicenseCars and equipment auctions
G451041Trading Investment LicenseArmored cars import
G452011Services Investment LicenseMotor repairs
G452012Services Investment LicenseGear repairs
G452013Services Investment LicenseCars electrical repair
G452014Services Investment LicenseCars electronics repair
G452015Services Investment LicenseRepair of car air conditioners
G452021Services Investment LicenseRepair of mechanics and electricity of cars
G452022Services Investment LicenseRepair of mechanics, electricity, and painting of cars
G452023Services Investment License Activities of cars service and maintenance centres
G452024Services Investment LicenseActivities of vehicles turning parts
G452031Services Investment LicenseBodywork repair workshops
G452032Services Investment LicenseSpraying workshops including (anti-rust treatment)
G452033Services Investment LicensePainting workshops
G452034Services Investment License Car equipment and driving adjustments for elderly and disabled
G452041Services Investment LicenseEngine oil replacement
G452042Services Investment LicenseBrakes replacement
G452043Services Investment LicenseMotor vehicles scale
G452051Services Investment LicenseWashing and polishing of motor vehicles
G452052Services Investment LicensePolishing of motor vehicles
G452053Services Investment LicenseInstallation of thermal insulation for car glass
G452061Services Investment LicenseRadiators repair
G452062Services Investment LicenseEmissions repair
G452063Services Investment LicenseRepair of motor vehicle seats
G452064Services Investment LicenseMotor vehicle hydraulic repair
G452065Services Investment LicenseMotor vehicle brakes repair
G452070Services Investment LicenseRepair and installation of motor vehicle screens and windows
G452081Services Investment LicenseTyre and tube repair, fitting or replacement for passenger motor vehicles
G452082Services Investment LicenseTyre and tube repair, fitting or replacement for lorries
G453011Trading Investment LicenseWholesale and retail sale of all kinds of new motor vehicle parts (including accessories)
G453012Trading Investment LicenseWholesale and retail sale of all kinds of new motor vehicle parts
G453020Trading Investment LicenseWholesale and retail sale of motor vehicle rubber tires and inner tubes for tires
G453031Trading Investment License Wholesale and retail sale of motor vehicle batteries, lighting equipment and electrical parts
G453032Trading Investment License Wholesale and retail of truck parts and heavy transport
G453033Trading Investment LicenseSelling Electric Vehicles Chargers
G454010Trading Investment LicenseWholesale and retail sale of motorcycles, including mopeds
G454030Services Investment LicenseMaintenance and repair of motorcycles
G461011Trading Investment LicenseAgents involved in the sale of agricultural raw materials
G461013Trading Investment LicenseAgents involved in the sale of textile raw materials
G461014Trading Investment LicenseAgents involved in the sale of fuels, ores, metals and industrial chemicals, including fertilizers
G461015Trading Investment LicenseAgents involved in the sale of food and beverages
G461016Trading Investment LicenseAgents involved in the sale of textiles and clothing
G461017Trading Investment LicenseAgents involved in the sale of machinery, including office machinery and computers, and industrial equipment
G461018Trading Investment LicenseAgents involved in the sale of furniture, household goods and hardware
G461021Services Investment LicenseAll activities of those involved in bringing sellers and buyers together or undertaking commercial transactions on behalf of a principal
G461023Trading Investment LicenseSale of fixed assets and movable assets
G461024Trading Investment LicensePermanent exhibitions of factory products
G461041Trading Investment LicenseAgents involved in the sale of medicines
G461042Trading Investment LicenseAgents involved in the sale of cosmetics
G461043Trading Investment LicenseImport of radioactive pharmaceuticals
G461051Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of aircraft spare parts and simulators
G461052Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of pneumatic and hunting weapons
G461053Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of unmanned aerial vehicle
G461054Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of individual firearms, hunting weapons and their accessories
G461055Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of commercial explosives
G461056Trading Investment LicenseWholesale for fireworks
G461057Trading Investment LicenseSupply of heavy weapons
G461058Trading Investment LicenseSupply of military explosives
G461061Trading Investment LicenseSupply of military vehicles
G461062Trading Investment LicenseSupply of military ships
G461063Trading Investment Licensesupply of military aircrafts
G461064Trading Investment LicenseSupply of military systems spare parts (military vehicles, aircrafts and ships)
G461065Trading Investment License(Supply of conventional weapons (only for governmental competitions
G461066Trading Investment LicenseSupply of grenades, missiles and smart munitions
G461067Trading Investment LicenseSupply of individual and light military weapons (riot weapons)
G461068Trading Investment LicenseSupply of individual military equipment
G461071Trading Investment LicenseSupply of simulators, measuring, and testing equipment as well as military shelters
G461072Trading Investment LicenseSupply of electronics, communication devices, military command and control systems
G461073Trading Investment LicenseSupply of light weapons (only for governmental competition)
G461074Trading Investment LicenseImport of radioactive industrial materials
G462011Trading Investment License  Wholesale of barley
G462012Trading Investment LicenseSeeds wholesale except for barely
G462013Trading Investment LicenseGrain wholesale except for barely
G462020Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of oleaginous fruits
G462031Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of flowers
G462032Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of outdoor plants
G462033Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of indoor plants
G462034Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of agricultural Seedlings
G462051Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of fish and aquatic animals
G462054Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of sheep
G462055Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of cows
G462056Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of camels
G462057Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of horses
G462058Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of bees
G462063Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of animal residues except leathers
G462071Trading Investment LicenseWholesale trade of wild animals and their products
G462091Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of livestock feed for pharmaceutical feed additives
G462092Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of feed and non-medicinal feed additives
G463011Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of fruit
G463012Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of vegetables
G463013Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of dates
G463021Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of dairy products
G463022Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of eggs and egg products
G463031Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of edible oils and fats of animal origin
G463032Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of edible oils of vegetable origin
G463041Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of meat
G463042Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of meat products
G463043Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of fishery products
G463044Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of frozen meat and poultry
G463051Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of sugar and sugar confectionery
G463052Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of chocolate and cocoa
G463053Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of coffee and tea products
G463054Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of spices
G463055Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of honey
G463060Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of bakery products
G463071Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of bottled water
G463072Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of soft drinks and juices
G463073Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of tobacco products including hookah (Shisha)
G463074Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of ice
G463075Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of desalinated water
G463076Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of food & beverage
G463077Trading Investment LicenseFood and beverage distribution centres
G463080Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of animal feeds
G464111Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of raw materials of textile
G464112Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of textiles and fabrics of all kinds (non-woven)
G464121Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of fabrics for men
G464122Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of fabrics for women
G464130Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of blankets, household linen and sheets
G464140Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of haberdashery: needles, sewing thread etc.
G464150Trading Investment LicenseReadymade garments wholesale
G464151Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of clothing for men
G464152Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of clothing for women
G464153Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of clothing for children
G464154Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of men mashalih and fur articles
G464155Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of sports clothes
G464156Trading Investment LicenseSupply of military uniforms, ranks and badges (for government competitions only)
G464157Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of women abayas
G464161Trading Investment License Wholesale of clothing accessories, includes( gloves, ties, braces, prayer beads and umbrellas)
G464162Trading Investment License Wholesale of uniforms
G464171Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of footwear
G464172Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of sports footwear
G464911Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of water tanks, including fiberglass tanks and accessories.
G464912Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of household furniture
G464921Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of electronic and electrical household appliances
G464922Trading Investment License Wholesale of spare parts of air conditioners and cooling devices
G464923Trading Investment Licensewholesale of television receivers including import
G464931Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of chandeliers and lighting articles
G464933Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of horse supplies
G464934Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of bags
G464935Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of baby care supplies
G464940Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of cutlery, china and glassware
G464951Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of pharmaceutical goods
G464952Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of cosmetics and soaps
G464953Trading Investment License Wholesale of Arak
G464954Trading Investment LicenseCosmetics wholesale
G464955Trading Investment Licensewholesale of Oud and Bokhor
G464956Trading Investment License'Wholesale of medical equipment , tools and supplies
G464957Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of In-Vitro medical device including accessories
G464958Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of perfumes
G464962Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of stationery
G464963Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of prepaid cards
G464964Trading Investment License Wholesale of art supplies for drawing
G464971Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of photographic and optical goods (e.g. sunglasses, binoculars, magnifying glasses)
G464972Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of recorded audio and video tapes, CDs, DVDs
G464981Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of watches and clocks
G464982Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of jewelry
G464991Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of woodenware, wickerwork and corkware
G464992Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of bicycles and their parts and accessories
G464993Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of leather goods and travel accessories
G464994Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of musical instruments
G464995Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of toys
G464996Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of electronic toys including import
G464997Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of sports goods
G464998Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of carpets and rugs
G465101Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of computers, computer peripheral equipment (including printers and their inks)
G465201Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts (including electronic valves and tubes, microchips and integrated and printed circuits)
G465202Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of blank audio and video tapes and diskettes, magnetic and optical disks (CDs, DVDs)
G465203Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of telephone and communications equipment
G465204Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of radio and TV equipment
G465205Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of audio and video appliances (CDs, DVDs)
G465206Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of semiconductor devices
G465207Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of cameras and their accessories
G465208Trading Investment LicenseWholesales of GPS devices
G465211Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of mobile phone accessories
G465212Trading Investment Licensewholesale of mobile phone spare parts
G465302Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of milking and poultry-keeping machines
G465303Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of bee-keeping machines
G465304Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of agricultural machinery, tractors and their implements for agriculture, afforestation and lawn mowing
G465305Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of spare parts of agricultural machinery and equipment
G465910Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of office machinery and equipment, except computers and computer peripheral equipment
G465920Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of office furniture
G465931Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of electric trolleys, wheelchairs and golf cars
G465932Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of transport equipment except motor vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles
G465934Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of security equipment(for government competitions only)
G465935Trading Investment Licensewholesale of traffic safety devices
G465936Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of scientific instruments
G465937Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of pollution control techniques equipment and supplies including import
G465938Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of pollution control equipment including import
G465940Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of wires and switches and other installation equipment for industrial use
G465950Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of electrical generators and transformers
G465963Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of fire protection devices and equipment
G465964Trading Investment License Wholesale of fire and rescue equipment
G465965Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of civil protection devices, including heavy machines and equipment of buildings collapses accidents, earthquakes and individual safety
G465966Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of early warning sirens and control centres
G465971Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of computer-controlled machine tools
G465972Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of computer-controlled machinery for the textile industry and of computer controlled sewing and knitting machines
G465973Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of measuring instruments and equipment
G465981Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of elevators, escalators and conveyor belts
G465982Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of environmental monitoring and control systems including import
G465983Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of environmental laboratory equipment and tools including import
G465984Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of banking and monetary devices and equipment
G465991Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of production-line robots
G465992Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of machinery for industrial use (including woodworking machines and saws)
G465993Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of construction, building and civil engineering machinery and equipment
G465994Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of packing equipment
G465995Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of spare parts for industrial machinery and equipment
G465996Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of spare parts of construction machinery and equipment
G465997Trading Investment Licensewholesale of ground service equipment and spare parts
G465998Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of duplicate key making machine
G466110Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of solid fuels (including charcoal, coal, coke, fuel wood, naphtha)
G466120Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of liquid fuels (including crude petroleum, crude oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, fuel oil, heating oil, kerosene)
G466130Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of gaseous fuels
G466140Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of lubricating oils and greases, refined petroleum products
G466210Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores
G466220Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of ferrous and non-ferrous metal pipes
G466231Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of precious metals and gem stones
G466232Trading Investment LicenseImport of precious metals and gem stones
G466310Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of wood in the rough
G466320Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of hardware and locks
G466331Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of cement and plaster, etc.
G466332Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of sand and gravel of all kinds
G466333Trading Investment License wholesale of brick, block, tile, stone, marble, ceramic, and porcelain
G466334Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of flat glass
G466340Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of sanitary installation equipment and hot water heaters
G466351Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of paint and varnish
G466352Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of insulation materials and fittings and fixtures
G466360Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of wallpaper and floor coverings
G466370Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of industrial metal roofs, doors, windows and works
G466910Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of chemicals
G466921Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of chemical fertilizers and soil conditioners
G466922Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of agrochemical products (pesticides)
G466923Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of health pesticides
G466924Trading Investment LicenseWholesale and import of natural and chemical materials used in pollution control
G466925Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of chemical materials used in educational laboratories
G466926Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of agricultural pesticides
G466927Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of natural (primary) and industrial gases
G466928Trading Investment Licensethe Wholesale sale of natural (primary) and industrial gases and tanks, and their requirements
.and packaging
G466930Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of soap and detergents
G466940Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of plastic materials in primary forms, rubber and textile fibers
G466950Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of paper in bulk
G466992Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of metal and non-metal waste and scrap and materials for recycling (including collecting, sorting, separating, stripping, storage and delivery)
G466993Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of dismantled computers to obtain and re-sell usable parts
G466994Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of dismantled automobiles to obtain and re-sell usable parts
G466995Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of dismantled televisions to obtain and re-sell usable parts
G466997Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of used oil including export
G469010Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of sewing machines
G469020Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of accounting, statistical and typewriter machines and office equipment
G469030Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of teaching equipment and aids
G469040Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of gifts and luxuries
G469061Trading Investment LicenseWholesale of chemical and laboratory equipment and supplies
G471110Trading Investment LicenseCooperatives
G471121Trading Investment LicenseSupermarkets for food and consumer goods
G471131Trading Investment LicenseMini-market
G471132Trading Investment LicenseGrocery store
G471920Trading Investment LicenseCentral stores of retail sale of a large variety of goods of which food products, beverages or tobacco are not predominant
G471930Trading Investment LicenseHypermarkets
G472111Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of fresh or preserved fruit and vegetables
G472112Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of dates
G472121Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of dairy products, eggs, olives and pickles
G472122Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of honey
G472123Trading Investment License Retail of fresh milk
G472130Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of meat and meat products
G472141Trading Investment License Retail of poultry and egg
G472143Trading Investment License Retail of frozen meat and poultry
G472150Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of fish, other seafood and products thereof
G472161Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of bakery products and sugar confectionery
G472162Trading Investment License Retail sale for chocolate and cocoa
G472170Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of nuts, coffee, spices and apothecary
G472181Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of livestock, sheep and live camels
G472184Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of barley
G472191Trading Investment LicenseTrade of sugar confectionery (including Omani and Bahraini desserts)
G472192Trading Investment LicenseTrade of special and healthy food
G472193Trading Investment LicenseRetail of preserved food
G472200Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of beverages in specialized stores
G472300Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of tobacco products in specialized stores, and sale of mu‘assel
G473010Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of fuel for motor vehicles and motorcycles
G473020Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of lubricating products for motor vehicles
G473030Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of cooling products for motor vehicles
G473041Trading Investment LicenseOperate Electric Vehicles Charging stations
G474110Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of computers and accessories (including printers and ink)
G474120Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of video games and video game software and consoles
G474130Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of mobile phones
G474140Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of mobile phones' accessories
G474151Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of software
G474152Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of non-customized software
G474153Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of mobile phone spare parts
G474210Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of radio and television equipment
G474220Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of stereo equipment
G474230Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of CD and DVD players and recorders
G475110Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of textiles and fabrics (for clothing)
G475120Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of textiles and fabrics (not for clothing) (including curtains)
G475130Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of basic materials for rug, tapestry or embroidery making
G475140Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of haberdashery: needles, sewing thread etc.
G475150Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of tents
G475160Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of blankets, sheets, linens and mattresses
G475210Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of hardware and tools of carpentry and blacksmithing
G475220Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of flat glass
G475230Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of paints, varnishes and lacquers
G475240Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of sanitary equipment and installations (including baths, washbasins, toilets and saunas)
G475250Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of electrical equipment and installations
G475260Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of décor products, industrial roofs and insulation and building material
G475270Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of lawnmowers
G475281Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of building material (including cement, blocks, plaster, cement tiles, etc.)
G475282Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of building material scrap (including metal scrap trade)
G475283Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of marble, natural/artificial cut stone tiles, ceramic and porcelain
G475284Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of sand and gravel
G475285Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of building wood
G475286Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of metal pipes
G475310Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of carpets and rugs
G475320Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of curtains and net curtains
G475330Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of wallpaper and floor coverings
G475910Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of household furniture
G475921Trading Investment LicenseRetail of electronic and electrical household appliances
G475922Trading Investment LicenseRetail of household appliances (except for those mentioned in 4742 category)
G475923Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of television receivers
G475924Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of wood, cork and plastic products
G475930Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of household utensils and cutlery, crockery, glassware, china and pottery etc.)
G475940Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of articles for lighting
G475950Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of musical instruments and scores
G475960Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of security systems, such as locking devices, safes, and vaults
G475970Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of water tanks (including fiberglass tanks and articles thereof)
G475980Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of safety, fire and industrial security equipment including filling of fire extinguishers without transformations
G476121Trading Investment LicenseRetail of office furniture
G476122Trading Investment License Retail of art supplies for drawing
G476123Trading Investment LicenseRetail of stationery, newspapers and magazines (libraries)
G476130Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of prepaid cards of all kinds
G476211Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of recorded cassettes, video tapes and DVDs
G476212Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of blank tapes and discs
G476311Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of sports goods, fishing gear and bicycles
G476312Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of camping goods
G476313Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of boats and bicycles, etc.
G476314Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of pneumatic and hunting weapons
G476315Trading Investment License Retail of trips and hunting supplies
G476391Trading Investment License Retail of electric trolleys, wheelchairs and golf cars
G476410Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of games and toys in specialized stores
G477111Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of clothing for men
G477112Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of clothing for women
G477113Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of clothing for children
G477114Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of clothing at joint stores
G477116Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of sports clothes
G477117Trading Investment License Retail of uniforms
G477121Trading Investment License Retail of men's mishlah (clothing for men)
G477122Trading Investment License Retail of women's fur and abayah
G477130Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of luxuries and clothing accessories (such as gloves, ties, braces, prayer beads, umbrellas)
G477140Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of footwear
G477151Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of travel accessories of leather and leather substitutes
G477152Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of suitcases
G477211Trading Investment LicensePharmacies activities
G477212Services Investment LicenseDrug warehouse activities
G477221Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of orthopaedic devices
G477222Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of medical equipment , tools and supplies
G477223Trading Investment LicenseHerbal Medicinal Sale Facility
G477224Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of In-Vitro medical device including accessories
G477230Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of cosmetics and soaps
G477250Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of medical herbs
G477261Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of Oud and Bokhor
G477262Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of perfumes
G477311Trading Investment LicenseRetail of cameras and their accessories
G477312Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of solar energy devices and equipment
G477313Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of press machinery and equipment
G477314Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of measuring and monitoring devices and navigation devices and equipment
G477315Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of pump-water equipment
G477316Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of floats, moorings and maritime assets
G477317Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of sewing machines
G477318Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of road services tools and equipment
G477321Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of optical (activities of opticians)
G477322Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of catering services’ tools and equipment (including catering equipment at hotels, hospitals, ) ..etc.
G477323Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of trolley industries’ tools (including trolleys with handles used for transport of goods)
G477324Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of agricultural machinery and equipment
G477325Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of electrical and communication cables
G477326Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of wired and wireless equipment and devices
G477327Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of agricultural laboratory equipment
G477328Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of laboratory and educational tools
G477329Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of environmental pollution control equipment
G477331Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of watches of all kinds
G477332Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of precious metals and gemstones
G477333Trading Investment LicenseRetail of fire protection devices and equipment
G477334Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of fire and rescue equipment
G477335Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of key duplicating machines
G477337Trading Investment LicenseRetail of sea machinery
G477338Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of civil protection equipments, including heavy equipment and machinery used to intervene in accidents of buildings collapses and earthquakes, as well as individuals protection methods
G477341Trading Investment License Retail of pets and their food as well as ornamental fish and their accessories
G477342Trading Investment License Retail of spare parts of air conditioners and cooling devices
G477343Trading Investment LicenseRetail of spare parts of agricultural machinery and equipment
G477344Trading Investment LicenseRetail of spare parts for industrial machinery and equipment
G477345Trading Investment LicenseRetail of spare parts of construction machinery and equipment
G477346Trading Investment License Retail sale of ground service equipment and spare parts
G477347Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of fuel stations equipment and parts including (fuel pumps)
G477348Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of sirens and their control stations
G477351Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of plants, seeds and fertilizers
G477352Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of flowers
G477353Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale and installation of artificial turf
G477354Trading Investment License Retail of health pesticides
G477355Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of traffic safety devices
G477356Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of Unmanned aerial vehicle ( Drones)
G477357Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of plant seeds, fertilizers and soil conditioners
G477358Trading Investment LicenseRetail of agricultural pesticides
G477361Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of souvenirs and craftwork
G477362Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of products of commercial art galleries
G477363Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of stamps and coins
G477364Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of stamps
G477365Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of artificial jewelry
G477366Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of pottery and handmade craftwork
G477367Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of amenities, khinjars (ceremonial daggers), silverware, etc.
G477368Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of horse supplies
G477371Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of household fuel oil, coal and fuel wood
G477372Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of bottled gas
G477373Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of empty gas bottles
G477374Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of packing equipment
G477375Trading Investment LicenseRetail selling of Apiaries' equipment and requirements
G477376Trading Investment Licensethe retail sale of natural (primary) and industrial gases and tanks, and their requirements and
G477381Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale and maintenance of refrigeration units and refrigerators
G477382Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale and installation of prefabricated swimming pools
G477383Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of water purification devices, equipment and kit
G477384Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale and maintenance of construction, building, petroleum civil engineering machinery and heavy equipment
G477385Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of ports' tools and equipment
G477386Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of electricity generators and articles thereof
G477387Trading Investment LicenseRetail and installation of equipment for hotels, restaurants, kitchens and automatic laundries
G477388Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of elevators, escalators and conveyor belts
G477391Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale and installation of beauty centers’ equipment and tools
G477392Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of cleaning materials
G477394Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of plastic tools and materials (including plastic bags)
G477395Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale and installation of factory machinery and equipment
G477396Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of ferrous and non-ferrous metal and wooden boxes and caravans
G477397Trading Investment LicenseRetail of natural (primary) and industrial gases
G477398Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of fireworks
G477421Trading Investment License Retail of used furniture
G477422Trading Investment LicenseRetail of different types of used watches
G477430Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale of antiques
G477440Trading Investment LicenseActivities of auctioning houses (retail)
G478100Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale via stalls and markets of food and beverages
G478200Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale via stalls and markets of textiles, clothing and footwear
G479910Trading Investment LicenseRetail sale by direct sales or door-to-door sales persons
G479940Trading Investment LicenseActivities of non-store auctions (retail)
H492244Services Investment License Renting buses with driver
H492250Services Investment LicenseRenting of private cars with driver
H492306Services Investment LicenseRenting of trucks with driver
H493001Services Investment LicenseTransport of water via pipelines
H493002Services Investment LicenseTransport of gases via pipelines
H493003Services Investment LicenseTransport of crude oil via pipelines
H493004Services Investment LicenseTransport of refined petroleum products via pipelines
H493005Services Investment LicenseTransport of natural gas via pipelines
H493007Services Investment License Operation and maintenance of pumping stations and pipelines
H501101Services Investment LicenseOperation of excursion, cruise or sightseeing boats
H501102Services Investment LicenseOperation of ferries, water taxis etc.
H501103Services Investment LicenseRenting of pleasure boats with crew for sea and coastal water transport (e.g. for fishing cruises)
H501201Services Investment LicenseTransport of freight overseas and coastal waters, whether scheduled or not
H501202Services Investment LicenseSea and coastal freight water transport of containers
H501203Services Investment LicenseSea and coastal freight water transport of oil and gas
H502101Services Investment LicenseInland passenger water transport for touristic purposes
H502102Services Investment LicenseTransport of passenger via rivers, canals, lakes and other inland waterways, including inside harbors and ports
H502103Services Investment LicenseRenting of pleasure boats with crew for inland water transport
H502201Services Investment LicenseTransport of freight via rivers, canals, lakes and other inland waterways, including inside harbors and ports
H502202Services Investment LicenseInland freight water transport via containers
H511001Services Investment LicenseTransport of passengers by air over regular routes and on regular schedules
H511002Services Investment LicenseCharter flights for passengers
H511003Services Investment LicenseOperational leasing of aircraft
H511004Services Investment LicenseOperating airplanes for non-commercial purposes
H512001Services Investment LicenseTransport freight by air over regular routes and on regular schedules
H512002Services Investment LicenseNon-scheduled transport of freight by air
H521011Services Investment LicenseOperation of storage facilities for all types of goods except food
H521012Services Investment LicenseLoading and unloading of goods
H521013Services Investment LicenseLoading and unloading of passengers' luggage
H521014Services Investment LicenseContainer handling services
H521021Services Investment LicenseRefrigerated food stores
H521022Services Investment LicenseAnimal food and feed stores
H521023Services Investment LicenseMedical Devices warehouse activities
H521024Services Investment Licensecosmetics warehouse
H521025Services Investment LicensePharmaceutical stores
H521091Services Investment LicenseFrozen food stores
H521092Services Investment LicenseStorage in warehouses of grain silos, flour and agricultural products
H521093Services Investment LicensePublic storages with a variety of goods
H521094Services Investment LicenseFuel and chemicals warehouses
H521095Services Investment LicenseFurniture and wood warehouses
H521096Services Investment LicenseMotor vehicles warehouses
H521097Services Investment LicenseStorage of goods in foreign trade zones
H521098Services Investment LicenseDry food stores
H522101Services Investment LicenseOperation and maintenance of railway facilities
H522102Services Investment LicenseOperation of terminal facilities such as bus stations, stations for the handling of goods
H522104Services Investment LicenseOperation of car multistory garages
H522105Services Investment LicenseTowing and road side assistance (including towing of broken cars)
H522106Services Investment LicenseRailway stations
H522108Services Investment LicenseOperation of railroad infrastructure
H522203Services Investment LicenseNavigation, pilotage and berthing activities
H522204Services Investment LicenseRescue of stranded or damaged vessels or flotation of sunken vessels
H522311Services Investment LicenseAirport activities
H522312Services Investment LicenseAir navigation guidance
H522313Services Investment LicensePassenger Boarding Bridge PBB operation and maintenance
H522314Services Investment LicenseFirefighting and fire-prevention services at airports
H522321Services Investment LicensePassengers handling activities at airports
H522322Services Investment License ground management and supervision services at airports
H522323Services Investment Licensesurface transport
H522324Services Investment LicenseGrounder Service Provider
H522325Services Investment LicenseAviation procedure services
H522401Services Investment LicenseLoading and unloading of goods or passengers’ luggage irrespective of the mode of transport used for transportation
H522402Services Investment LicenseStevedoring
H522403Services Investment Licenseaviation fuel and oil handling
H522405Services Investment License Cargo transport and handling
H522406Services Investment License Freight agents
H522408Services Investment LicenseLuggage Handling Services Provider
H522911Services Investment License Customs clearance activities
H522912Services Investment License Activities of sea freight agencies
H522913Services Investment Licenselicense of authorized air cargo agency
H522914Services Investment License packing and unpacking activities of shipping boxes
H522915Services Investment License Sampling for inception activities
H522916Services Investment License Aircraft brokerage services
H522917Services Investment License weight activities
H522918Services Investment Licensebrokerage of aircraft spare parts and simulators sales
H522921Services Investment License Ships brokerage services
H522922Services Investment License Directing taxis
H522923Services Investment LicenseReceiving and unpacking goods and products from vehicles and arranging them on shelves
H522924Services Investment LicenseShips supply except for fuel in all its forms
H522925Services Investment LicensePreparing technical reports for oil spills or any other contaminants inside the sea
H522926Services Investment LicenseRelease of international driving licenses and customs passbooks
H522927Services Investment LicenseHandling of air fright cargo and Mail
H522928Services Investment License license of consolidation air cargo agency
H522931Services Investment LicenseLogistics Services
H522932Services Investment LicenseBus direction
H532011Services Investment License(Parcel shipping (domestic
H532012Services Investment License(Parcel shipping (domestic and international
H532013Services Investment License'Providing delivery service via Electronic applications
I551011Services Investment LicenseHotels
I551012Services Investment Licensemotels
I551013Services Investment LicenseHeritage hotels
I551014Services Investment LicenseWellness hotels
I551015Services Investment LicenseBoutique hotels
I551021Services Investment LicenseFurnished residential units
I551022Services Investment LicenseHotel apartments
I551023Services Investment LicenseHotel villas
I551024Services Investment LicenseHeritage hotel villas
I551025Services Investment LicenseServiced Apartments
I551030Services Investment License Youth Hostels and guesthouses
I551041Services Investment LicenseHoliday House (Chalets)
I551042Services Investment LicenseCommercial chalets
I551043Services Investment LicenseTourist hostel
I551044Services Investment LicenseResorts
I551045Services Investment LicenseRural chalet
I551046Services Investment LicenseFarm lodges
I551050Services Investment LicensePalaces and halls of weddings and events with accommodation
I551060Services Investment LicenseTimeshare units
I551071Services Investment LicenseCapsule hotel
I551081Services Investment LicenseManagement of tourist accommodation facilities
I552001Services Investment LicenseCamping
I559002Real Estate Investment LicenseStudent residences
I559003Services Investment LicenseCollective housing for individuals
I561010Services Investment LicenseRestaurants with service
I561021Services Investment LicenseCafeterias
I561031Services Investment LicenseFast-food restaurants (including pizza)
I561040Services Investment Licenseeating places Take -out
I561050Services Investment LicenseIce cream truck vendors
I561060Services Investment LicenseMobile food carts
I561092Services Investment LicenseGrilled fish and seafood restaurants
I561093Services Investment LicenseGrilled meat restaurants
I562111Services Investment Licenseevent catering kitchens
I562112Services Investment License Catering of Hajj and Umrah
I562901Services Investment LicenseActivities of catering services
I562902Services Investment LicenseOperation of food concessions at sports and similar facilities
I562903Services Investment LicenseOperation of canteens or cafeterias on a concession basis (e.g. for factories, offices, hospitals or schools, etc.)
I562904Services Investment LicenseActivities of providing catering services for aircrafts
I563011Services Investment LicenseCoffee shops
I563012Services Investment LicenseTaverns
I563014Services Investment LicenseIce cream shops
I563020Services Investment LicenseFresh juice and cold beverages serving
J581101Services Investment LicensePublishing of paper books, dictionaries, atlases and maps (including: import and production of written, illustrated or photographed intellectual objects)
J581104Services Investment LicenseElectronic publishing
J581105Services Investment Licensepublishing of audio books
J581106Services Investment Licensepublishing books on the Internet
J581200Services Investment LicensePublishing of directories and mailing lists
J581201Services Investment Licensepublishing of mailing lists
J581202Services Investment Licensepublishing of telephone books
J581311Services Investment LicensePublishing of newspapers, magazines and periodicals
J581323Services Investment LicensePublishing of radio and television programs, including (scientific and political publications)
J581901Services Investment Licensegreeting cards
J581902Services Investment Licenseposters and catalogs
J581904Services Investment Licensephotos and engravings
J582001Services Investment License publishing of ready-made software
J582002Services Investment License operating systems
J582003Services Investment Licensecomputer games
J591101Services Investment Licenseproduction of motion pictures (including traditional animation)
J591102Services Investment Licensevideo programs
J591103Services Investment License television programs
J591104Services Investment License production of television commercials
J591105Services Investment LicenseOperating an audio and video studio
J591201Services Investment LicenseEditing (including titling, subtitling, credits)
J591202Services Investment LicenseComputer-produced graphics and animation
J591203Services Investment LicenseSpecial effects; developing and processing motion picture film
J591204Services Investment LicenseActivities of motion picture film laboratories and activities of special laboratories for animated films
J591311Services Investment LicenseDistribution of films to exhibitors and television networks
J591312Services Investment LicenseDistribution of videos to exhibitors and television networks
J591313Services Investment LicenseDistribution of DVDs to exhibitors and television networks
J591401Services Investment LicenseOperation of fixed movie theaters
J591402Services Investment Licenseactivities of cine-clubs
J591403Services Investment LicenseOperation of permanent movie theater
J591404Services Investment LicenseOperating temporary movies theatre
J591405Services Investment LicenseOperating movies theatre for special needs
J592011Services Investment LicenseProduction of sound recordings and associated services
J592012Services Investment LicenseProduction of sound recordings on CD
J592013Services Investment LicenseDistribution of recordings on dealers
J592015Services Investment LicenseProduction of radio programs and audio recordings
J601001Services Investment Licenseassembling and transmitting aural programming via over-the-air broadcasts, cable or satellite
J601002Services Investment License radio broadcasting activities over the Internet (Internet radio stations)
J601003Services Investment Licensebroadcasting activities
J602011Services Investment Licensetelevision broadcasting
J602031Services Investment LicenseTv activities
J602032Services Investment LicenseChannel subscription programming activities
J602033Services Investment LicenseMovie channels subscription programming
J602034Services Investment LicenseOperating the service of satellite connection to control the audiovisual content
J602035Services Investment LicenseOperating a platform to manage and control the satellite channels through specific receivers, and to control the satellite live broadcast via (cas) system
J619011Services Investment LicenseInternet cafés
J619013Services Investment LicenseSatellite subscription services
J619015Services Investment License Reselling of communication services (distributers)
J619021Services Investment License Providing automatic vehicle location systems (AVL)
J620101Services Investment Licenseanalysis of systems
J620102Services Investment Licensedesigning and programming special software
J620104Services Investment LicenseDesign User Experience and customer Journey
J620105Services Investment LicenseAutonomous vehicles Technologies
J620106Services Investment LicenseRobotics Technologies
J620107Services Investment License(Three dimensional Printing (3D Printing
J620108Services Investment LicenseVirtual Reality technologies
J620111Services Investment LicenseApplication Development
J620112Services Investment LicenseVideo Games Developments
J620113Services Investment LicenseArtificial Intelligence Technologies
J620114Services Investment LicenseBiotechnology Solutions
J620115Services Investment LicenseFintech Solutions
J620116Services Investment LicenseMilitary Software
J620117Services Investment LicenseGIS web services and applications
J620118Services Investment LicenseMedical, health and wellness Software or Applications
J620211Services Investment License Providing management and control service of communication and information networks
J620212Professional Investment LicenseComputer consultancy activities
J620213Professional Investment LicenseICT consultancy activities
J620214Services Investment LicenseCybersecurity
J631111Services Investment LicenseProviding digital certification services
J631112Services Investment LicenseBlock chain Technologies
J631113Services Investment License Big Data Technolgoies and Data Science
J631121Services Investment LicenseCreating an infrastructure for web-hosting, data processing services, and other related activities
J631123Services Investment LicenseProviding call centre services
J631125Services Investment LicenseRegistration to provide cloud computing services
J631131Services Investment LicenseCreation and Operating geospatial portal/Platform
J631132Services Investment LicenseBuilding a geospatial database
J639100Services Investment Licenseactivities of news agencies (including news syndicate and news agency activities furnishing news, pictures and features to the media)
J639901Services Investment LicensePress services
J639902Scientific/Technical Investment LicenseServices of technical and scientific offices except for pharmaceuticals products
K641932Services Investment LicenseTechnology in Financial Services
K641933Services Investment LicenseManagement and Operating cash Centers
K642001Services Investment LicenseManagement of Holding Companies subsidiaries
K642002Services Investment LicenseInvesting the funds of the Holding Companies subsidiaries
K642003Services Investment LicensePossessing real estate and movables required for Holding Companies
K642004Services Investment LicenseProviding loans, guarantees and financing to the Holding Companies Subsidiaries
K642005Services Investment LicensePossessing industrial property rights for Holding Companies Subsidiaries
K642006Services Investment LicenseLeasing the Industrial property rights for Holding Companies Subsidiaries
K643014Services Investment Licenseunit investment trust funds
K649100Services Investment LicenseFinancial leasing
K649111Services Investment LicenseRegistration of finance leasing contracts
K649223Services Investment LicenseProductive assets financing
K649224Services Investment LicenseSMEs activities financing
K649225Services Investment LicenseCredit card financing
K649226Services Investment LicenseConsumer financing
K649227Services Investment LicenseMicrofinance
K649228Services Investment LicenseConsumer Microfinance
K649231Services Investment LicenseIssuance of debt instruments from a Special Purposes Entities
K649232Services Investment LicenseDebt-based crowdfunding
K649913Services Investment Licenseactivities of viatical settlement companies
K649914Services Investment LicenseRegistration and preservation of mortgage financing instruments
K649915Services Investment LicenseFinance Aggregator Service
K649916Services Investment LicenseFinance Debt Collection Service Provider
K649921Services Investment LicenseOwn-account investment activities such as by venture capital companies, investment clubs
K649922Services Investment LicenseInvestment companies activities
K651111Services Investment LicenseProtection insurance
K651112Services Investment LicenseProtection and savings insurance
K661101Services Investment LicenseSecurities listing and trading
K661102Services Investment LicenseSecurities depositary and settlement
K661103Services Investment LicenseSecurities clearing
K661212Services Investment LicenseExchange centers
K661214Services Investment LicensePlatforms for Trading, Buying and Selling of Carbon Credit Certificates
K661221Services Investment LicenseDealing in the securities business
K661901Services Investment LicenseTransfer centers
K661903Services Investment LicenseRank in securities
K661904Services Investment LicenseProviding securities services such as advising
K661905Services Investment LicenseProviding securities services such as custody
K661906Services Investment LicenseCredit rating activities
K661907Services Investment License Financial technology securities
K661908Services Investment LicenseSystems of payment and financial settlements and related services
K661911Services Investment LicenseProviding smart and secured payment service for points of sale and electronic outlets payment
(services (ATM/CDM
K662111Services Investment LicenseObservation and estimate of losses
K662120Services Investment LicenseSettlement of insurance claims
K662200Services Investment LicenseInsurance agency
K662211Services Investment LicenseInsurance brokerage
K662212Services Investment LicenseReinsurance brokerage
K662213Services Investment LicenseElectronic Insurance Aggregation
K662911Services Investment LicenseInsurance consulting
K662912Services Investment LicenseActuarial services
K663001Services Investment Licensemanagement of pension funds
K663002Services Investment LicenseManaging Investments and Operating Funds
K663003Services Investment LicenseManaging investments
L681010Real Estate Investment Licensebuying, selling and subdividing of land and real estate, and on-the-map selling activities
L681021Real Estate Investment LicenseManagement and leasing of real estate with own or leased property (residential)
L681022Real Estate Investment LicenseManagement and leasing of real estate with own or leased property(non-residential)
L681024Real Estate Investment LicenseManagement and leasing of Self storage units
L681041Real Estate Investment LicenseResidential Real estate development using modern construction method
L681042Real Estate Investment LicenseCommercial Real estate development using modern construction methods
L682010Services Investment LicenseReal Estate Brokerage
L682020Services Investment Licenseintermediation in real estate management
L682030Professional Investment LicenseReal Estate valuation
L682041Services Investment LicenseReal property registration services
L682042Professional Investment LicenseReal Estate consultancy
M691010Professional Investment Licenselegal representation and advice
M691020Professional Investment Licensegeneral preparation of legal documents
M691030Services Investment Licensepatents
M691041Services Investment LicenseNotification of declarations, dates, orders and judicial documents required for execution
M691042Services Investment LicenseJudicial storage to save money
M691043Services Investment LicenseDelivery of moveable assets by the lessor
M691051Services Investment LicenseMoney management and keeping (for real estate)
M691052Services Investment LicenseMoney management and keeping(for commercial establishment)
M691053Services Investment LicenseMoney management and keeping (for medical establishment)
M691054Services Investment LicenseMoney management and keeping (for vehicles)
M691055Services Investment LicenseMoney management and keeping (for livestock)
M691061Scientific/Technical Investment LicenseLegal representation of medical products and devices' manufacturers
M691062Services Investment LicenseArbitration centres services
M692010Professional Investment Licenseexamination of accounts and certification of their accuracy
M692020Professional Investment Licenseadvisory activities
M692030Professional Investment Licensepreparation of personal and business income tax returns
M692041Professional Investment LicenseFinancial consultancy activities (non-securities)
M692042Professional Investment LicenseConsultancy activities of Zakat and income tax
M692043Professional Investment LicenseValue Added Tax (VAT) services
M701011Regional Headquarters Investment LicenseActivities of Regional Head Quarters for Foreign companies
M701012Services Investment LicenseActivities of head offices
M702011Services Investment LicenseGranting certificates of conformity for management systems
M702012Services Investment LicenseValidation of documents and data
M702013Professional Investment LicenseManagement consulting activities
M702014Services Investment LicenseRehabilitation and restructuring of the administrative? financial and operations of the establishments
M702015Services Investment LicensePublic relations and communication
M702016Professional Investment LicenseLabour consulting activities
M702017Services Investment LicenseProviding higher management consulting services
M702018Professional Investment License Sport consulting activities
M702020Professional Investment LicenseAccounting consulting activities and development of policies and procedures
M702031Services Investment LicenseRevenue cycle management
M711011Professional Investment License Providing engineering consultation services in the field of fire safety
M711012Professional Investment LicenseFire protection technical services
M711013Professional Investment License Architectural and engineering consultancy activities
M711014Services Investment LicenseManagement of Construction projects
M711015Professional Investment LicenseEngineering consultations for urban planning
M711016Professional Investment LicenseEngineering consultations for landscape architecture
M711020Mining Investment Licensegeophysical, geologic and seismic surveying
M711031Professional Investment LicenseEngineering consultations for roads, bridges, and tunnels
M711032Professional Investment Licenseelectrical and electronic engineering, mining engineering, chemical engineering and safety engineering
M711033Professional Investment LicenseIndustrial consulting activities
M711034Professional Investment LicenseEngineering consultations for oil and gas
M711035Professional Investment LicenseEngineering consultations for railroads
M711036Professional Investment LicenseEngineering consultations for marine ports and marine transport structures
M711037Professional Investment LicenseEngineering consultations for water and sanitation
M711040Professional Investment Licenseengineering and technical specialized activities of all engineering branches
M711041Professional Investment LicenseMechanical engineering consultations
M711042Professional Investment LicenseElectronic engineering consulations
M711043Professional Investment LicenseGeodetic consultancy and business
M711044Services Investment LicenseGeographical names
M711045Services Investment LicenseObservation and measurement of tidal movement
M711046Services Investment LicenseObservation and measurement of tidal movement
M711047Professional Investment LicenseQA and QC of geospatial data
M711048Services Investment LicenseAerial imaging and Survey
M711050Services Investment Licensecartographic and spatial information activities
M711051Professional Investment LicenseUse of unmanned aerial vehicles in aerial surveys and GIS
M711052Professional Investment LicenseGeographical consulting activities
M711053Services Investment LicenseCartography
M711054Services Investment LicenseHydrographic Survey
M711055Services Investment LicensePreparing atlases
M711056Services Investment LicenseProduction of nautical charts
M711057Professional Investment LicenseHydrographic Consultancy
M711058Services Investment LicenseGIS business
M711060Services Investment Licenseacoustical engineering activities
M711070Professional Investment LicenseGeophysical consulting activities
M711071Services Investment LicenseGeodesy activity for geophysical applications
M711081Services Investment Licenseproject management activities related to energy efficiency
M711082Services Investment Licensebuilding inspection services
M711083Services Investment Licenseproviding services of energy design review
M711084Services Investment Licenseproviding services of engineering design for energy efficiency standards
M711085Services Investment Licenseenergy measurement and inspection services
M711086Services Investment Licenseconsulting activities for industrial plant
M711087Professional Investment LicenseNuclear engineering consultations
M711088Professional Investment LicensePv Consulting
M712010Services Investment LicensePhysical testing and analysis activities
M712020Services Investment Licensetesting activities in the field of product type and quality accreditation
M712031Services Investment LicenseFood laboratories
M712032Services Investment LicenseLaboratories of chemical and petroleum products. (Inorganic materials such as gold and gemstones)
M712033Services Investment LicenseElectrical and electronic products labs
M712034Services Investment LicenseConstruction and building materials laboratories
M712035Services Investment LicenseTextile products labs
M712036Services Investment LicenseMeasurement, calibration and verification laboratories
M712037Services Investment License Cosmetic Products Laboratories
M712038Services Investment LicenseVeterinary laboratories
M712040Services Investment Licensetesting and measuring of environmental indicators
M712041Services Investment License Test and measurement of environmental indicators and operation of water labs
M712042Services Investment License Test and measurement of environmental indicators and operation of soil labs
M712043Services Investment License Test and measurement of environmental indicators and operation of air labs
M712051Services Investment LicensePerformance testing of complete and finished machinery
M712052Services Investment LicenseGeneral material labs
M712053Services Investment LicenseMechanical and metal products labs
M712061Services Investment LicensePeriodic testing of cars in terms of road safety
M712062Services Investment LicenseTesting and examination of ships
M712063Services Investment License Testing and examination of ships safety tools
M712064Services Investment LicenseThe use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the examination of mobile towers, electrical power lines, industrial establishments and renewable energy
M712071Services Investment LicenseGranting conformity certificates in the production and manufacturing sectors or in providing services and operations.
M712072Services Investment Licenseinspection of different systems and measure it's performance
M712073Services Investment License.(Testing and Examination of (Materials, Products, Processes, Devices and Equipment
M712074Services Investment LicenseVerification of conformity and certification of food products and establishments
M712075Services Investment License(Calibration of (Materials, Devices and Equipment
M712076Services Investment LicenseGranting certificates related to proving the competence of people within specific professional or craft works
M712077Services Investment LicenseVerification of medical devices and products conformity
M712078Services Investment LicenseMedical devices and products labs
M712081Services Investment LicenseIndustrial Radiography
M712082Services Investment LicenseMeasuring the quality and physical factors of production line by using Radioisotopes
M712083Services Investment LicenseMeasuring the geo-physica and hydrological characteristics of water and oil wells by using the techniques of Radioisotopes
M712084Services Investment LicenseContainers' radiographic test
M712086Services Investment LicenseVerification of conformity and certification of Pharmaceutical and cosmetic products and establishments
M721001Services Investment Licenseresearch and development on natural sciences
M721002Services Investment Licenseresearch and development on engineering and technology
M721003Services Investment Licenseresearch and development on medical sciences
M721004Services Investment Licenseresearch and development on biotechnology
M721005Services Investment Licenseresearch and development on agricultural sciences
M721006Services Investment Licenseinterdisciplinary research and development, predominantly on natural sciences and engineering
M722001Services Investment Licenseresearch and development on social sciences
M722002Services Investment Licenseresearch and development on humanities
M722003Services Investment Licenseinterdisciplinary research and development, predominantly on social sciences and humanities
M722004Services Investment LicenseCenters of social research and studies
M731011Services Investment LicenseAdvertising agencies and institutions
M731012Services Investment LicenseActivities of calligraphers and painters
M731013Services Investment LicenseProvision of marketing services on behalf of others
M731014Services Investment LicenseAir ads
M731030Services Investment Licensecreating and placing of billboards
M732000Services Investment LicenseMarket research and public opinion polling
M741010Services Investment Licensefashion design related to textiles, wearing apparel, shoes and jewelry
M741020Professional Investment Licenseinterior decoration activities
M742011Services Investment LicensePhotographic activities
M742012Services Investment LicenseAerial photography activities
M742013Services Investment LicenseOperation of unmanned aerial vehicles for aerial photography purposes
M742020Services Investment Licensephotography for commercials and tourism purposes
M742031Services Investment Licenseone hour photo shops
M742032Services Investment Licensemounting of slides
M742040Services Investment Licenseactivities of photojournalists
M742050Services Investment Licensemicrofilming of documents
M749010Professional Investment LicenseTranslation activity
M749021Professional Investment LicenseEvaluation of the economic establishments
M749022Professional Investment LicenseEvaluation of machinery and equipment
M749023Professional Investment LicenseEvaluation of Motor Vehicle Damage
M749024Professional Investment LicenseValuation of Gemstones and Precious Metals
M749032Professional Investment LicenseAgricultural consulting activities
M749033Services Investment LicenseEnvironmental consulting activities
M749035Services Investment LicenseFood consulting services activities
M749036Professional Investment LicenseMedical Device Regulatory Consulting Activities
M749037Professional Investment License Activities of providing consultations and services of quality assurance and radiological protection in the field of radiological health
M749038Professional Investment LicenseHealth consulting activities
M749041Professional Investment LicenseConsultancy services in air transport
M749042Professional Investment LicenseAviation Consulting Services
M749043Professional Investment Licensestandards and aviation safety consulting services
M749044Professional Investment LicenseAviation security consulting services
M749045Professional Investment Licenseairports operations consulting services
M749046Professional Investment LicenseAirports fire and rescue consulting services
M749047Professional Investment LicenseConsultation services in the field of Unmanned aerial vehicle ( Drones)
M749051Professional Investment LicenseMedia studies and consultations
M749052Scientific/Technical Investment LicenseActivities of scientific offices of pharmaceuticals
M749053Services Investment LicenseConsultation services in pharmacovigilance
M749054Services Investment LicenseClinical studies centers
M749055Services Investment LicenseConsultation services in providing drug and poison information
M749056Professional Investment LicenseConsulation services in bioavailability and bioequivalence studies
M749057Professional Investment LicensePhysical consulting activities
M749058Professional Investment LicenseTechnical consulting activities in the field of laboratories
M749061Professional Investment LicenseStatistical consulting activities
M749062Professional Investment LicenseEconomic consulting activities
M749063Professional Investment LicenseMarine consulting activities
M749064Professional Investment LicenseHistorical consulting activities
M749065Professional Investment LicenseHeritage consulting activities
M749066Professional Investment LicenseMining consulting activities
M749067Professional Investment LicenseCustoms consulting activities
M749068Professional Investment LicenseHotel consulting activities
M749071Professional Investment LicenseInternational business consulting activities
M749072Professional Investment LicenseGeological consulting services
M749073Professional Investment LicenseChemical consulting services
M749074Professional Investment LicenseCosmetic consulting services
M749075Professional Investment LicenseFeed consulting services
M749076Professional Investment LicensePesticides consulting services
M749077Professional Investment Licensepharmaceutical consulting centers
M750011Services Investment LicenseVeterinary Hospital Activities
M750012Services Investment LicenseVeterinary clinics activities
M750013Services Investment LicenseActivities of hosting animals and providing necessary health care and treatment
M750014Services Investment License Activities of falcons hosting, diagnose their diseases, treatment and care
N771010Services Investment Licenserenting and operational leasing of passenger cars (without drivers)
N771020Services Investment Licenserenting and operational leasing of trucks, utility trailers and recreational vehicles (without drivers)
N771030Services Investment License Renting buses without driver
N771041Services Investment LicenseCar rental brokers
N771042Services Investment LicenseElectronic car rental broker
N771043Services Investment LicenseElectronic car rental
N772112Services Investment Licenserenting of skis
N772120Services Investment Licenserenting of bicycles
N772192Services Investment LicenseRental and operation of vehicles and wheelchairs
N772201Services Investment Licenserenting of video tapes
N772202Services Investment LicenseRental of videos, CDs, CDs and DVDs
N772901Services Investment Licenserenting of all kinds of wedding dresses and their accessories
N772902Services Investment Licenserenting of furniture, pottery and glass, kitchen and tableware
N772903Services Investment Licenserenting of jewellery
N772904Services Investment Licenserenting of occasions equipment (such as tents and wedding daises, etc.)
N772905Services Investment Licenserenting of books, journals and magazines
N772906Services Investment Licenserenting of electrical appliances, electronic equipment and musical instruments for household use
N772907Services Investment Licenserenting of trip equipment
N773011Services Investment Licenserenting and operational leasing of engines and turbines
N773012Services Investment Licenserenting and operational leasing of machine tools
N773014Services Investment Licenserenting and operational leasing of professional radio, television and communication equipment
N773015Services Investment Licenserenting and operational leasing of motion picture production equipment
N773016Services Investment Licenserenting and operational leasing of measuring and controlling equipment
N773021Services Investment Licenserenting and operational leasing of motorcycles, caravans and campers
N773042Services Investment Licenserenting and operational leasing of hot-air balloons
N773043Services Investment LicenseRenting of unmanned aerial vehicles
N773050Services Investment Licenserenting and operational leasing of agricultural and forestry machinery and equipment without operator
N773061Services Investment Licenserenting and operational leasing of crane lorries
N773062Services Investment Licenserenting and operational leasing of scaffolds and work platforms, without erection and dismantling
N773071Services Investment Licenserenting and operational leasing of computers and computer peripheral equipment
N773072Services Investment Licenserenting and operational leasing of duplicating machines, typewriters and word-processing machines
N773073Services Investment Licenserenting and operational leasing of accounting machinery and equipment: cash registers, electronic calculators etc.
N773074Services Investment LicenseRent of office furniture, luggage storage cabinets and recliner chairs
N773080Services Investment Licenserenting of containers
N774000Services Investment LicenseLeasing of intellectual property and similar products, except copyrighted works
N791101Services Investment LicenseActivities of travel and tourism agencies
N791102Services Investment LicenseActivities of airline agencies
N791211Services Investment LicenseProvide services to Umrah performers and visitors of the Prophet Mosque from outside Saudi Arabia
N791223Services Investment LicenseOrganize international tours
N791224Services Investment Licenseactivities of tourist guides
N791225Services Investment LicenseTourist transport
N799013Services Investment License Activities of selling tickets to travel by sea
N799014Services Investment LicenseTourism accommodation booking and marketing  
N799020Services Investment LicenseBooking and ticketing for sports and entertainment events, exhibitions and conferences
N799032Services Investment Licenseactivities of tourist guides
N799034Services Investment LicenseReception and farewell services for Umrah performers at ports of entry
N799042Services Investment LicenseCoordination of therapeutic services among patients and hospitals inside and outside the Kingdom
N802001Services Investment Licensemonitoring or remote monitoring of electronic security alarm systems, such as burglar and fire alarms, including their maintenance
N802002Services Investment Licenseinstalling, repairing, rebuilding, and adjusting mechanical or electronic locking devices, safes and security vaults
N811001Services Investment Licenseprovision of support services within facilities
N811002Services Investment LicenseActivities of government buildings cleaning services
N811003Services Investment Licenseprovision of maintenance services within facilities
N811005Services Investment LicenseManaging the processes of operation and maintenance in buildings and their facilities
N811006Services Investment LicenseGas station management
N812100Services Investment LicenseGeneral cleaning of buildings
N812901Services Investment Licenseexterior cleaning of buildings
N812902Services Investment Licensespecialized cleaning activities for buildings such as window cleaning, chimney cleaning, etc.
N812903Services Investment Licenseswimming pool cleaning and maintenance services
N812904Services Investment LicenseDisinfection activities and pest and rodents control by fumes
N812905Services Investment Licensecleaning of trains, buses, etc.
N812906Services Investment Licensecleaning of industrial machinery
N812907Services Investment Licensestreet sweeping and snow and ice removal
N812908Services Investment LicenseAirplane cleaning
N812911Services Investment LicenseEnvironmental sanitation service activities
N813011Services Investment Licensecare and maintenance of parks and gardens for public housing
N813012Services Investment Licensecare and maintenance of greenery for buildings (roof gardens, façade greenery, indoor gardens)
N813013Services Investment Licensecare and maintenance of parks and gardens for highway greenery
N813014Services Investment Licensecare and maintenance of greenery for sports grounds (e.g. golf courses)
N813015Services Investment Licensecare and maintenance of greenery for stationary and flowing water (basins, ponds, swimming pools, watercourses and wet areas)
N813016Services Investment Licensecare and maintenance of plants for protection against noise, wind and erosion,
N813020Services Investment Licenseactivities of landscape design services
N813030Services Investment Licensemaintenance of land in order to keep it in good ecological condition
N821100Services Investment LicenseCombined office administrative service activities
N821112Services Investment LicenseActivities of Business Incubator & Accelerator
N821902Services Investment Licenseduplicating and photocopying activities
N821903Services Investment Licensepre-printing services activities
N823001Services Investment LicenseOrganization and management of exhibitions and conferences
N823004Services Investment LicenseOrganization and management of crowds
N823006Services Investment LicenseOperation of exhibition and conference centres and facilities
N829101Services Investment LicenseDebt collection
N829102Services Investment LicenseCredit information
N829201Services Investment Licenseluggage wrapping
N829202Services Investment Licensefurniture wrapping
N829203Services Investment Licenseparcel-packing and gift-wrapping
N829204Industrial Investment LicenseFood packaging
N829206Industrial Investment LicensePackaging of animal feeds
N829208Services Investment LicenseThermal packaging of electronic devices
N829212Services Investment LicenseNatural honey filling
N829901Services Investment LicenseTranslation services and include proofreading
N829904Services Investment Licensetrade mark registration
N829905Services Investment LicenseVehicle Accidents Services
O841311Services Investment LicenseSupervising and Managing municipal activities and services
O842311Services Investment Licenseoperation of fire brigades and special rescue brigades
O843012Services Investment Licenseretirement pensions
P851010Services Investment LicensePreschool education - kindergarten with national curriculum
P851011Services Investment LicenseOperating independent schools (kindergarten education) with a national curriculum
P851012Services Investment LicensePreschool education -kindergarten with international curriculum
P851013Services Investment LicenseOperating independent schools (kindergarten education) with a international curriculum
P851021Services Investment LicensePrimary education of male students with a national curriculum
P851022Services Investment LicensePrimary education of female students with a national curriculum
P851023Services Investment LicensePrimary education of students of both genders (including, schools of mixed communities)
P851024Services Investment LicenseOperating independent schools (primary education) with a national curriculum
P851025Services Investment LicensePrimary education of male students with an international curriculum
P851026Services Investment LicensePrimary education of female students with an international curriculum
P851027Services Investment LicenseOperating independent schools (primary education) with an international curriculum
P851031Services Investment LicensePrimary education of male students with disabilities with a national curriculum
P851032Services Investment LicensePrimary education of female students with disabilities with a national curriculum
P851033Services Investment LicensePrimary education of male students with disabilities with an international curriculum
P851034Services Investment LicensePrimary education of female students with disabilities with an international curriculum
P851040Services Investment Licenseprovision of literacy programs for adults
P852111Services Investment LicenseSecondary education of male students with a national curriculum
P852112Services Investment LicenseSecondary education of female students with a national curriculum
P852113Services Investment License(Secondary education of students of both genders (including, schools of mixed communities
P852114Services Investment LicenseIntermediate education of male students with a national curriculum
P852115Services Investment LicenseIntermediate education of female students with a national curriculum
P852116Services Investment License(Intermediate education of students of both genders (including, schools of mixed communities
P852117Services Investment LicenseOperate independent schools (intermediate education) with a national curriculum
P852118Services Investment LicenseOperate independent schools (secondary education) with a national curriculum
P852121Services Investment LicenseSecondary education of male students with disabilities with a national curriculum
P852122Services Investment LicenseSecondary education of female students with disabilities with a national curriculum
P852123Services Investment LicenseIntermediate education of male students with disabilities with a national curriculum
P852124Services Investment LicenseIntermediate education of female students with disabilities with a national curriculum
P852125Services Investment LicenseSecondary education of male students with disabilities with an international curriculum
P852126Services Investment LicenseSecondary education of female students with disabilities with an international curriculum
P852127Services Investment LicenseIntermediate education of male students with disabilities with an international curriculum
P852128Services Investment LicenseIntermediate education of female students with disabilities with an international curriculum
P852131Services Investment LicenseIntermediate education of male students with an international curriculum
P852132Services Investment LicenseIntermediate education of female students with an international curriculum
P852133Services Investment LicenseSecondary education of male students with an international curriculum
P852134Services Investment LicenseSecondary education of female students with an international curriculum
P852135Services Investment LicenseOperating independent schools (intermediate education) with an international curriculum
P852136Services Investment LicenseOperating independent schools (secondary education) with an international curriculum
P852211Services Investment LicenseSecondary vocational and technical education, including secondary institutions
P852212Services Investment LicenseIndustrial secondary training institutes
P852222Services Investment LicenseDriving schools for occupational drivers( trucks, buses, etc.)
P853040Services Investment License Higher Training Institutes
P854101Services Investment LicenseSports academies
P854102Services Investment Licensegymnastics instruction
P854103Services Investment License Teaching horse riding in schools or academies
P854104Services Investment Licenseswimming instruction
P854105Services Investment Licensemartial arts instruction
P854106Services Investment Licenseyoga instruction
P854211Services Investment Licenseart instruction
P854213Services Investment Licenseperforming arts and music schools
P854214Services Investment Licensetraditional and popular arts instruction
P854215Services Investment Licensephotography schools
P854910Services Investment Licenselanguage instruction and conversational skills instruction
P854921Services Investment LicenseQur'an and Hadith memorization centers
P854930Services Investment Licenseautomobile driving schools (not intended for occupational drivers)
P854941Services Investment Licensecomputer maintenance and repair training
P854942Services Investment Licensecomputer and software training
P854951Services Investment Licenseadministrative training institutes
P854952Services Investment LicenseTraining Institutes
P854953Services Investment LicenseSpecialized Industrial Training Institutes
P854954Services Investment LicenseTRAINING CENTERS
P854955Services Investment LicenseElectronic training
P854957Services Investment LicenseStrategic Partnerships Institutes
P854958Services Investment LicenseEdification and examination for workers of food and public health establishments
P854960Services Investment Licenseinstitutes of Arabic language for non-native speakers
P854970Services Investment Licensecalligraphy instruction institutes
P854983Services Investment LicenseAir Traffic Controller School
P854984Services Investment LicenseAviation Maintenance Technician School
P854991Services Investment Licenseflying schools
P854993Services Investment Licenseacademic tutoring services
P854996Services Investment LicenseFlight Engineer, Cabin Crew, and Dispatcher Training School
P854997Services Investment LicenseTraining in the field of metrology and environment
P854998Services Investment LicenseTraining in the field of Unmanned aerial vehicle ( Drones)
P855001Professional Investment Licenseeducation and upbringing of consultation services
P855003Professional Investment LicenseTraining consulting activities
P855004Services Investment License Private centers of educational supervision and training
Q861011Services Investment LicenseHospitals
Q861044Services Investment LicenseExtended and recovery medical care hospitals
Q861045Services Investment Licenseaddiction tretment and rehabilitation hospitals
Q861046Services Investment LicenseMedical operation of hospital
Q862040Services Investment Licensespecialized medical Complex
Q862050Services Investment LicenseOne day surgery centres
Q862063Services Investment LicenseGeneral Medical Complex
Q862064Services Investment LicenseMedical clinic
Q862066Services Investment LicenseCritical care center
Q862067Services Investment LicenseShared Health space
Q862068Services Investment LicenseFertilization, utero-fetal and Infertility treatment centers
Q862091Services Investment LicenseMedical operation of medical Complex and One day surgery centres
Q869011Services Investment LicenseRadiology center
Q869012Services Investment LicensePlasma collection centers
Q869014Services Investment LicenseAmbulance transport services center
Q869015Services Investment LicenseMedical Laboratory
Q869016Services Investment Licensecomplementary and alternative medicine complexs/resorts
Q869017Services Investment Licensecomplementary and alternative medicine centers
Q869018Services Investment LicenseBlood irradiation and sterilization by using the techniques of Radioisotopes and X-Ray
Q869021Services Investment LicenseMedical Rehabilitation Centers
Q869022Services Investment LicenseSpeech-language and dysphagia centers
Q869023Services Investment LicenseDialysis centers
Q869024Services Investment LicenseFoot and ankle care centers
Q869025Services Investment License Orthotics & prosthetics centers
Q869026Services Investment LicenseNutrition centers
Q869027Services Investment LicenseHome services medical centers
Q869028Services Investment LicenseMobile medical clinics
Q869031Services Investment LicenseOccupational Therapy Centres
Q869032Services Investment LicensePhysiotherapy centres
Q869033Services Investment LicenseUrgent medical care centres
Q869034Services Investment LicensePain Relief Centres
Q869035Services Investment LicenseHearing Therapy Centres
Q869037Services Investment License Telecare and telemedicine centres
Q869038Services Investment LicenseArtificial eye centers
Q869051Services Investment LicenseRadiation therapy
Q869052Services Investment License'Teleradiology center
Q869053Services Investment LicenseMedical operation of Medical Laboratory ,Radiology center and medical services support
Q869054Services Investment Licensecomplementary and alternative clinics
Q869055Services Investment LicenseSample collection centers
Q869056Services Investment LicenseIntravenous therapy centers
Q872010Services Investment LicenseRehabilitation centers for addicted persons
Q872020Services Investment LicenseWelfare of intellectual education and centres of mental health care
Q872030Services Investment LicensePsychological Rehabilitation Center
Q872041Services Investment Licenseaddiction tretment and rehabilitation centers
Q873010Services Investment LicenseElderly residential rehabilitation centres
Q873020Services Investment LicenseCare homes with accommodation for people with special needs
Q881011Services Investment LicenseActivities of visiting elderly and persons with special needs
Q881012Services Investment LicenseElderly non-residential rehabilitation centres
Q881013Services Investment LicenseVocational rehabilitation and rehabilitation activities for persons with special needs, provided that the educational component is limited
Q889020Services Investment LicensePrivate child care centre
Q889021Services Investment LicenseChildren's day care at the workplace during a specified period of time
Q889022Services Investment LicenseChildren's day care at home during a specified period of time
Q889051Services Investment LicenseFamily guidance centers
R900011Services Investment LicenseManagement of art and entertainment talents
R900030Services Investment Licenseactivities of sculptors, painters, cartoonists, engravers, etchers
R900031Services Investment LicenseVisual arts activities
R900050Services Investment LicenseActivities of independent journalists and editors
R910201Services Investment LicenseMuseums
R910302Services Investment Licensezoological gardens
R931111Services Investment LicenseCars and motorcycles tracks
R931211Services Investment Licensesports clubs
R931212Services Investment LicenseBowling alleys
R931213Services Investment LicenseGolf courses
R931215Services Investment Licenseriding, horse and camel race clubs
R931216Services Investment Licenseshooting clubs
R931217Services Investment Licenseswimming clubs
R931218Services Investment Licenseyouth centers
R931221Services Investment LicenseMen's sports halls and centers
R931222Services Investment LicenseWomen's sports halls and centers
R931231Services Investment LicenseAviation clubs
R931232Services Investment LicenseSport clubs of deaf
R931901Services Investment Licenseactivities of producers or promoters of sports events
R931902Services Investment Licenseactivities of individual own-account (sportsmen and athletes, referees, judges etc.)
R931907Services Investment LicenseEquestrian fields including stables and horse stalls
R932101Services Investment LicenseAmusement parks
R932102Services Investment LicenseEntertainment events facilities
R932103Services Investment LicenseEntertainment Centers
R932912Services Investment Licenseoperation of recreational transport facilities, e.g. marinas
R932914Services Investment Licenserenting of leisure and pleasure equipment as an integral part of recreational facilities
R932918Services Investment LicenseEntertainment events organization
R932921Services Investment LicenseSkydiving
R932931Services Investment LicenseEntertainment events and facilities inspection activities
R932933Services Investment LicenseOperation of entertainment events facilities
S951110Services Investment Licenserepair and maintenance of desktop and laptop computers (of all types and sizes)
S951120Services Investment Licenserepair and maintenance of printers and scanners
S951130Services Investment Licenserepair and maintenance of monitors, keyboards, mice and trackball accessories
S951140Services Investment Licenserepair and maintenance of magnetic disk drives, flash drives, optical disk drives (CD-RW, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-RW) and other storage devices
S951210Services Investment Licenserepair and maintenance of cordless telephones
S951220Services Investment Licenserepair and maintenance of cellular phones
S951230Services Investment Licenserepair and maintenance of carrier equipment modems and fax machines
S951241Services Investment LicenseRepair and maintenance of military communications equipment
S952100Services Investment LicenseRepair of consumer electronics
S952200Services Investment LicenseRepair of household appliances and home and garden equipment
S952310Services Investment Licenserepair and maintenance of footwear and fitting of heels
S952320Services Investment Licenserepair and maintenance of leather goods such as luggage
S952410Services Investment Licensereupholstering, refinishing, repairing and restoring of furniture and home furnishings including office furniture
S952910Services Investment Licenserepair of bicycles
S952920Services Investment Licenserepair and alteration of jewelry
S952930Services Investment Licenserepair and alteration of watches, clocks and their parts
S952940Services Investment Licenserepair of sporting goods
S952950Services Investment Licenserepair of musical instruments
S960110Services Investment Licenselaundering and dry-cleaning, pressing etc., of all kinds of clothing (including fur) and textiles, laundry collection and delivery
S960120Services Investment Licensecarpet and rug shampooing and drapery and curtain cleaning, whether on clients’premises or not
S960130Services Investment Licenseprovision of linens, work uniforms and related items by laundries
S960210Services Investment Licensebeauty salons for women
S960220Services Investment Licensebarber shops for men
S960230Services Investment Licensebeauty salons for children
S960310Services Investment Licensepreparing the dead for burial including embalming and morticians’ services
S960910Services Investment Licenseactivities of Turkish baths, sauna and steam baths, solariums, reducing and slandering salons, etc.
S960920Services Investment LicenseRelaxation and personal care centers
S960931Services Investment LicenseAnimal Care (Care, Training)
S960933Services Investment Licensedisplay of pets
S960934Services Investment LicenseAnimal training
S960950Services Investment Licenseconcession operation of coin-operated personal service machines (photo booths, weighing machines, coin-operated lockers etc.)
S960961Services Investment LicenseValet parking services
S960962Services Investment LicenseOrganizing weddings and special occasions

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