This Service is provided to foreign entities that are interested in the activity of wholesale and retail trade in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia with a Saudi shareholder.
1. A copy of the commercial registration of the shareholding partner certified by the Saudi Embassy and a copy of the
national identity, if one of the partners is a natural person holding the nationality of one of the GCC countries (in case
his data is not registered in the ABSHAR system).
2. Financial statements of the last financial year of the applicant company and certified by the Saudi Embassy.
1. The existence of a Saudi shareholder in the investment license with a share of not less than 25% of the company.
2. Premium residence holders are exempted from the above documents.
3. In case that one of the partners was previously licensed by Ministry of Investment, it must be clarified when filling in
the partners’ data while submitting the electronic application.
4. The applicant must enter the data of the Saudi national identity / Premium residence / residence if one of the partners
holds any of them, or the commercial registration data for the participating Saudi companies during the electronic
application submission.
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